lil' studdmuffin:

14 1 2

i never thought this is how things would turn out.
i thought at the end of the year,
i would simply look at you as a football player
who has the tendency to copy off my worksheets and picked at me.
but that's not how it is now, at least not to me.
i look at you now and think,
"why cant a guy like him be halfway interested in a girl like me?"
and if you are, please tell me
before you waste your life on girls who just want your body, not your mind and heart.
even if i call you stupid and a dweeb,
i'm pretty sure you're pretty brilliant.
maybe not at school, but at other things,
like football and bull riding.
and i have yet to meet anyone else with moves like you do
why don't you acknowledge these blatant signs for forgiveness and change?
i guess it is my fault, picking on you (even when you pick right back)
 i'm so sorry for anything i've ever done wrong to you.
i'm sorry for being half of it. it's all my fault, i know.
everything's my fault (at least, if it makes you happy)
you know i like totally love you, right?  

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