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okay, so i don't get it.
why do girls have to shave?
so i went to the web,
browsing for some legitimate reason
why girl have to shave.
the first thing i found was rather encouraging.
"you don't really have to shave, just don't listen to society."
i thought, "cool, whatever."
and so i kept looking.
the next thing i found made me mad.
"a girl is not attractive if she doesn't shave."

um, why?

i mean, i am not a guy by all means.
but if i said a guy wasn't attractive if he didn't shave,
or he didn't have a beard,
or he didn't have a big penis,
i would sound like a picky whore, right?
this is what the society that makes the rules would tell me.
but in reality,
to all those who think that the amount of hair on your legs,
or the amount of "hot" on your body really matters,

i think you're flat. out. wrong.

if you truly love some one,
their appearance
won't matter in the end,
because love is a force
not even leg hair can stop.

i'm sorry, i needed to rant. please comment your emotions on the matter, and if you're a guy, tell me why leg hair on women is so unattractive. i'd love to see the "valid" points you will make.

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