Prussia x Canada

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Happy Canada Day 2016!!

Matthew woke up with a huge smile, it was his birthday! A glance at his calendar confirmed the date with a red circle around the 1st of July, his birthday. There was a smaller blue circle around the 4th for his brother's. Matthew flung himself from bed and got dressed as fast as he could and hurried to the world meeting.

As soon as he arrived he flung the door opened and hurried into the meeting room, giving a small greeting to everybody he passed as he did. When he entered he took his seat and waited in nervous excitement as the other countries slowly filed in and took their seat. Soon, Germany had asked who wanted to say something and Matthew stood up as fast as he could.

"I just wanted to say, today, i-it's my birth-"

"-YO GUYS THE HERO'S BIRTHDAY IS IN THREE DAYS, LETS GET THOSE FIREWORKS PLANNED!!" Alfred shouted, interrupting Matthew completely.

"Actually it's my birthday toda-"

"-Wow!! It's your-a birthday soon, America?" Italy asked, he shot up in his chair from next to Matthew. Matthew looked up his hands, did anybody even remember his birthday? He decided he'd keep trying, he really did want a party, his last party was when Francis was still raising him.

"Excuse me I'd really like to-"

"-YOU BET DUDE!" Alfred yelled.

"That's-a sheezy." Italy replied.

"Veneziano, you have-a problem with your-a brain." Romano said with an eye roll. Matthew sat down dejectedly as he realized nobody cared about his birthday, nobody even noticed he was trying to talk. Slowly he stood again and turned to leave, he could already hear his brother and Hong Kong talking excitedly about fireworks.

"THE AWEZOME ME VANTZ TO SPEAK!" Gilbert shouted, standing up on the table.

"Bruder please get down!" Germany said with a sigh.

"NOT UNTIL JOU ALL CELEBRATE BIRDIES BIRTHDAY VITH ME!" Gilbert yelled back. Matthew spun around, Birdie was Gil's nickname for him.

"Who'z Birdie?" Germany asked.

"Canada, of course!" Gilbert shouted, though a bit quieter than what his original volume. Everybody turned to Matthew, somehow seeing him as Gilbert had mentioned him.

"Oh YEEAAAHHHH!!!!" Alfred shouted, "Happy Canada Day, Matt!" Matthew shook his head, now they noticed.

"Thanks, Al." He replied quietly. Gilbert suddenly jumped from the table and ran from the room, he returned moments later with a giant pancake cake with the numbers 150 on it with candles.

"Happy birthday, Birdie!" He shouted, Gilbird tweeting on his shoulder.

"Thanks Gil." Matthew smiled, he had always wanted a birthday cake, and this one was made of pancakes! His favourite!

"Can I-a light it?!" Italy asked, jumping up again.

"Nein!" Germany answered. Gilbert shrugged and gave Gilbird a lighter, the yellow chick flew up and lit the three candles on fire.

"You've got to make a wish and blow out the candles!" Alfred said with a smile.

"Of course." Matthew replied, he took a deep breath. I wish more people would notice me. He wished and blew out the candles.

"What'd you wish for?" Sealand asked.

"If he tells you it won't come true!" Alfred cried, slamming a hand over Matthew's mouth to stop his reply. Matthew pried the hand off his face.

"I wasn't going to say anything..." He whispered.

"QUICK! TO THE BIRTHDAY MACHINE!!" Gilbert shouted, grabbing Matthew and dragging him to his car.

"What?" Matthew asked, confused to the max.

"We're going to go to the ZOO!!" Gilbert explained in his own way before taking off.

...Guess I got my wish.

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