Spain x Bullied!Abused!Romano

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A/N: This story is heavily based on 4th-6th grade for me, I just put it into a high school setting. This story took a month to write, so vote on it for me xD

Um so trigger warning :L contains violence and mention of self-harm

Google translate ahead!

Lovino sighed as his alarm woke up him up, he glanced to his drawer where his razor resided, he knew it was bloody from the night before but he didn't feel like cleaning it at the moment. He'd have ended his life by now if he thought nobody cared, but he knew that over-excitable Spaniard, Antonio, and his two friends would be extremely upset, not to mention his two younger brothers, Feliciano and Romeo. Their parents neglected Feliciano and Romeo, but they loved to hit their first born for being such an embarrassment and a let-down. Lovino basically raised his brothers who did nothing but thank him and/or cry about the violence of their home.

"Fratello!" Feliciano cried, "We're-a outta pasta!" He said.

Lovino sighed and got up and quickly dressed before brushing his teeth. He smoothed his school uniform before opening the door to a distressed Feliciano in a very wrinkled uniform.

"We can-a just have-a cereal today," He told his younger brother, Feliciano began crying more. Romeo appeared in his crisp uniform with a bowl of honeycombs which he gave to Feliciano who calmed down and ate it, seeming to feel better now.

"Grazie Romeo," Lovino said, ruffling the younger male's hair.

Romeo giggled, "No problemo, fratello!" Lovino sighed and gave a soft smile which disappeared when he heard the door slam downstairs.

"Quick!" Feliciano whisper-shouted, his cereal abandoned, "My window has vines!" The brothers nodded and quickly ran to Feliciano's room where Romeo tripped over the mess a few times.

"Seriously!" Romeo scolded in a hushed voice, "I'm younger but my room is clean!"

"No time!" Feliciano whined, the three quickly shimmied down the vines with expertise before sprinting to their school.

"You're going to-a clean your-a room when you get home," Lovino ordered and Feliciano groaned.

The three started to slow down until they reached the school, where Lovino went through and fixed their uniforms as well as his. Then they headed inside, they had barely entered before Lovino was glomped.

"LOOVVIIIIIIII!!" The Spaniard cried as Feliciano and Romeo tried, and failed, to contain their laughter.

"Tomato bastardo!" Lovino cried, though his tone was the opposite of Antonio's.

Slowly Gilbert and Francis appeared, also laughing. Lovino glared at Francis, as he was sure the Frenchman had told Antonio he had arrived as his cousin was set on getting them together after Lovino had told him of his crush on Antonio.

Antonio sat up, Lovino under him still, "Why don't you call me Toni?" Antonio asked with a pout. Lovino looked away in annoyance as the pout would break him.

"'Cuz I-a don't have to," Lovino replied.

Romeo bent down to their level, "You two comfortable?" He asked causing Lovino to bolt out of his position.

"Aww!" Whined Antonio, Lovino simply glared at him with his tomato colored face.

"Why do you-a do that?" The Italian asked.

"Because, te amo!" Antonio replied.

"Shit face," Lovino muttered, "Don't-a joke about that shit!" With that he grabbed both of his brother's wrists and led them away, Feliciano was zoned out beyond repair anyway.

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