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"Micro-nations to the Rescue!" Part 1 of 3
(Special Chapter)

The room was blurry and quiet, the morning lights creeping into the shared room as Arthur opened his forest green eyes.

He felt the warmth of his pillow and snuggled deeper into its soothing softness.

Doing so, he felt like his pillow getting hotter by the second, which was slightly odd considering pillows don't emit heat automatically. It also felt a little bit more firm and lean.

As he inched closer to the warmth, he opened his eyes to get a better view, he came face-to-face with Alfred who's cheeks had erupted into flames as the Brit stared into the Americans own sea blue eyes.

The American had just awoken to the British mans face being close to his, which caught him off guard as he couldn't get up since the other man would wake up, so he could only sit and stare as the blush began to become more obvious. He knew Arthur was just about to come to his senses, so he prepared for the worst.

Arthur had not realized that he had been laying on Alfred's chest the whole night after the movie. He couldn't even remember closing his eyes and falling into a deep slumber!

Once he processed the close proximity, Arthur made some sort of screech and sent Alfred tumbling to the floor yelling, "Y-you idiot! W-what the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!"

"What do you mean?! Y-you were the one who were clutching onto me the whole night!" Alfred countered as he got up quickly and rushed to get ready, and then get out.

Both men shared no words as they got dressed and hurried on to the first class, trying not to walk together as they were still were both in shock.

They were both too stubborn to become friends, and were determined and set in beating the other in everything, wanting to show who was the best and superior country.


"Hello zhere England." Lily greeted as she doodled her flag onto her notes.

"Good morning Lichtenstein." Arthur replied as he walked to his 4th class of the day and sighed as he took his seat next to her, ready to finish up his notes from yesterday. He still needed to learn how to sort out his science notes and apply them to certain upcoming projects.

"Hey...Liechtenstein...can you help me with my notes...I can't seem to incorporate them into some of our projects...do you know which ones go best with each?"

The young German girl peered over at his notes and replied, "Vell, for starters, I vould suggest that jou take zhe geography and climate notes together, vhile taking zhe others and sorting them into similar piles of two. If jou want more notes for one project, you can add three or four pages."

"Thank you so much love." Arthur replied as he sorted them out accordingly.

For awhile, it was quiet chit chat in the back as the class prepared for their projects due sometime before the end of semester one. Liechtenstein then remembered something she wanted to ask earlier.

"Oh, by zhe way England...I vas vondering if jou wanted to join Switzy and I to visit Hungary and Austria. I don't think zhat jou've met Austria or Kugelmugel."

Arthur had never really met Austria in person, nor did he even know a country by the name of Kugelmugel.

"That sounds lovely dear." Arthur replied as he finished arranging his notes to the best of his ability.

Lily smiled as she packed up her stuff on her bag, ready for the next class while chirping out, " Alright then, I'll see jou after school. Come by my dormroom and ve can get Vash before ve take leave."

Arthur nodded in agreement before packing job his stuff and heading to the next class. Lily handed him directions to her room, waved, and then hurried on to her next class.

"Perhaps this will turn out better..."

The thought only crossed Arthur's mind once as he went about his day.


Knock Knock Knock


Lily opens the door to be greeted with Arthur who changed back into casual clothes and greeted, "Hello Liechtenstein, are you ready to go?"

"O-Oh! Yes of course!" The younger girl replied as she walked out not before closing and locking the door.

"My other roommate is staying vith her sister right now, and she von't be back until later tonight

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"My other roommate is staying vith her sister right now, and she von't be back until later tonight." Lily said as both countries went to go and get Vash.

"Sorry to pry Liechtenstein, but I was wondering about one of the other countries you mentioned earlier...what was their name again...Kugel what's-it?" Arthur asked, trying to name the country she spoke of hours ago.

"Oh, jou mean Kugelmugel? Ja, you might not have heard of him since he's a micro-nation or, uh, formal micro-nation."

Arthur decided to nod in agreement and figure out more about these so called micro-nations were once he met some, which could be around the general area.

And with that, both countries hurried on to grab the other Germanic nation, and to go and properly meet Austria and Kugelmugel, which may perhaps open more doors to nations Arthur has yet to meet.

(Authors Note: Hello everybody! We have finally reached the double digits! This is Chapter has its own name besides Chapter 10, it can also be referred to as:
"Micro-Nations to the Rescue! Part 1 of 3."

Part 2 will be coming soon! Have a great day!)

Part 2 will be coming soon! Have a great day!)

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