PT:37 dangerous

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Aphmau's POV
Aaron seems happy/sad I think I know why. It must be hard for him with everything which has happened in his life. And this family thing for him must have an impact on his emotions.
M: what did you guys want to say?
Aa: oh dont go crazy or anything but we and some other people are going to okasis.
L: W...WHAT?!
M: I don't want any of you's to get hurt.
A: we wont malachi, we are capable of looking out for our selves.
L:b..but mum.
A: no buts Levin this something we have to do.
Aa: your mums right. And dont worry im going to be by her side every minute.
M: thank you aaron.
Aa: no problem.
A: aaron we need to go back to the island and get katelyn and garroth and Laurence.
Aa: yeah then we need to go back here and head to okasis.
A: bye Levin by Malachi see you in a while.
M: bye aaron.
L: bye mum
Aa: bye.
*back at the island*
A: Katelyn!
K: aphmau is that you.
A: yeah duh.
K: your are finally back. What were you doing you've been gone way longer than 3days.
A: sorry got caught up in time.
K: well you dont just come to me to talk that often so what do we need to do.
A: wow Katelyn you think that little of me.
K: yes. Now what do we need to do.
A: can you get everyone gathered up please.
K: sure but theres one problem.
A: And that is?
K: laurence has gone missing again. But this time it was random.
A: *thinks* thats not good. Katelyn for now could you please gather up everyone to thos exact spot.
A: woah. I dont think even the deaf couldn't hear that.
*a couple of minutes later*
Everyone is here minus laurence and aphmau is about to tell them the plan.
G: aphmau what do you need.
K: I've been dying to know.
A: garroth and katelyn we are going to o..okasis.
K: excuse me but that place wants to kill you and doesnt like ro meaves. *looks at garroth*
G: I dont mind going but aphmau this is very dangerous.
A: I know but we have so many questions but none have been answered. So we are going to okasis to get information.
K: aphmau you scare me sometimes. Do you know this could be our funeral.
A: dont think like that katelyn, nothing wi happen that causes death. Its just a simple bit of spying. *falls to the ground and holds here belly*
Luc: aphmau! Are you ok.
A: yeah I think its just cause im tired.
Aa: are you sure we should be going if your feeling like this.
A: Aaron dont worry im sure.
Aa: if you say so.

An: thanks for reading, #aarmaubaby.

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