Chapter 3

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Craig's POV

"C'mon, Craig! You have to go to school." My mom tells me, ripping my comforter off me and throwing it on the floor. I pull the sheet over my head and flip her off. "CRAIG. GET. UP." She screams.

I sit up and stare at her. She stares back. "No." I say, simply and lay back down.

"Craig? Have you been crying?" She ask, softly. I don't answer. "Fine. Stay home, I don't care anymore, I have to get to work!" She slams my door behind her.

Plan worked.

Tweek's POV

I sat, twitching on my bench. Today I was twitching way more than usual. Flinching at leaves falling and ants crawling. I knew today I was going to die. But, even when I begged my parents to stay, I even said I'd help in the café. They pushed me out the door.

"HAY, TWITCH!" I hear Clyde call, flying from around the corner.

"OH, SWEET JESUS!" Here it comes! My death! Clyde and Token... no Craig... No Craig? WHAT IS GOING ON!

"Calm down, kid. Craig didn't come today." Clyde tells me.

"GAH! What?! W-why?" I ask. Of course, I was happy he didn't show, but I wondered why. I had slapped him! SLAPPED! And he's Craig! I remember once last year Craig beat up this kid because he stepped on Craig's foot! After that people start clearing a path for him. And all that kid did was step on his foot! I slapped him in the face!

"That's a good question. Why didn't Craig come today, Clyde? Didn't you say he texted you?" Token asked Clyde.

"W-well... he wasn't feeling good yesterday and then he got slapped..." Clyde swallowed. "so he didn't want to have to fight when he felt like he was gonna throw up."

"GEH! Oh... now I feel bad..." I hug my book tighter.

"Nah, don't worry about it, by tomorrow he'll have calmed down about the whole thing and there'll be no fight at all!" Clyde chirped.

Token glanced at him, "I don't know about that, dude. Craig can really hold a grudge."

Clyde glared- Clyde glared? He glared back at Token. "He'll have forgotten the whole thing." He told the taller of the two.

"OH, GOD!"

Token looked as surprised as I did. Clyde was always happy and jumpy, so to see him actually glare at someone... well, shit! "Alright!"

Clyde let out a sigh. "Anyway!" He said, acting as if none of that ever happened. "C'mon, Toke, before the bell rings!" He skipped off with Token.

I loosened the grip on my book. Damn, I wish I didn't over react about things that are small. Then I wouldn't have hit Craig while he was sick. I did feel really bad about that... Maybe I should see him after school... OH, GOD, NO! What if he sees me and hits me?! Then, I'll be hurt and he'll have overdone it while he was sick. WHAT IF HE THREW UP?! Calm, calm, breath, breath... Alright, I'll do it anyway. I hit him and I needed to apologize. I tried to yesterday but instincts kicked in and told me to bolt. So, today after school I'll visit him. I should bring him something too, since he's sick. Wait, what did Craig like?! God, this was WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE!

After school I went to the café for a few things then, slowly, walked to Craig's house. When I got there I noticed the empty driveway. Oh coarse his parents are still at work, Tweek. I walk up to the front door and tap on it, quietly. I swallow and knock a little louder. Then, I knock like a normal person and hit it hard enough to make a noise. I hear some noises. OH, GOD, OH GOD, OH, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

The door swung open. And, there, in the doorway stood, Craig. He looked like he jsut woke up, messy hair with a hat thrown over, sloppy. A big T-shirt that came to his knees and grey sweats. His eyes were red and he had bags. But, even in this condition he was still perfect, in my opinion. Or anyones, matter of fact. Craig's so lucky! To be able to pull off this outfit. He really is perfect!

"H-hey, Cr- JESUS- Craig!" I give a small wave with one hand and tug on my shirt with the other, my bag swinging on my wrist. He stares at me blankly.

Craig's POV

Holy fucking Christ! Tweek's at my house! He's standing at my front door! And I look like shit! What do I even do?!

"Hi." I say back, stupidly. Hi? Fucking hi? What the hell!

"I- I felt b- bad about slapping y- you- GAH!- the other day...And spilling my c-coffee on y-your shirt..." He glanced at me and then quickly averted his eyes to the ground.

"No. Don't worry about it. It wasn't that big of a deal. I'm not mad and I was never going to kill you." I tell him. I shouldv'e been smiling but my face would never allow something like that. So I kept the same emotionless expression and steady voice.

Tweek's staring at me. Damn those green eyes! "Really? Y-you sure? You're not g-gonna beat me up? Geh!" He twitched. I shook my head. He paused, looking confused and took a slight step forward. "Cr-craig? Have y-you been cr-crying? Ngg!" He asked.

DAMN IT! He could tell. "No." I said a little too quickly.

"Oh..." He didn't believe me! He totally didn't! I could see it in his eye's that he did not believe me. "Anyway... I knew y-you were sick and my p-parents own a café anyway s-so I brought you some of my m-mom's soup." He held out the wrapped bowl. SO FRICKEN ADORABLE! Wait a second.

"I'm not sick." I tell him.

"W-what? But, Clyde told me you w-were... Why did you stay home then?!" He tugs on his hair.

Oh shit! Clyde was lying for me! He could have fucking warned a guy, god damn it, Clyde! "Oh, well, it's just a little cough, but my parents made me stay in any way." I lie, but it looks like he's buying it so...

"But, Clyde said you felt like throwing up- ngg-"

"You know Clyde, always over exaggerating..." He pursed his lips and thought. "Well, thanks for visiting, Tweek. I really appreciate it." I tell him in my , taking the small package from his hands. "I better eat this before it gets cold." I force a smile. Not because I didn't want to but it was really something that came natural to me.

"Y-yeah- GAH- you should pr-probably rest." He smiled at me and waved. "Bye, Cr-craig, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Tweek. See you tomorrow." He turns around and I shut my door. I sigh, well, shit if that wasn't awkward. Man, where were Clyde and Token? I should invite them over to get my mind off this.

Tweek's POV

I wonder why Craig stayed home if he wasn't really sick. He was obviously lying when he said he had a cough. He didn't cough once! Or yesterday when Clyde claimed it had all started. So, he obviously wasn't sick. So why didn't he come to school? Why wasn't he mad? Why didn't he kick my ass?! I don't understand and that's WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE!

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