Chapter 11

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Tweek's POV

Craig and I were in his car on our way to school. I liked having a ride, but I'd like to walk with him one day. I feel like my walks were a sort of therapy for me... And if I did it with him, it'd just be so much better.

I glance up at him. He's had that expression since he picked me up, we didn't even kiss yet. I came in and he said hey and then we started driving and he hasn't said anything since.

I wonder if I made him mad... OH GOD WHY?! I should've been more grateful! Because, people like him don't usually end up with people like me! When they do they get annoyed and sick of the person! And now he's sick of me! "GEH,"

He snaps out of his trance and looks at me, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "I'm f-fine... But, Craig... a-are you okay?" I ask, biting my finger.

He stares at me, "Yeah."

"B-But, you look like you're mad..." He looks back to the road. "Oh, god, are you mad at me?! I'm sorry for whatever I did, Craig! Just don't leave me; I still like you a lot! And you're so cool and I'm so lame, plus we're both guys, and this wasn't even supposed to happen! Don't get sick of me please! GEH,"

"TWEEK," He takes one of my wrists with one of his hands and steers with the other, "calm down, I'm not mad at you, I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about leaving me?!"

"No, Tweek!" He let's go and pulls into the school parking lot. When he finds his spot, he stops his car and then turns to me. "Tweek, I already told you I could never stop loving you now. Okay?" He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back, comforted by this small gesture. But, I want more. I just don't feel right after our make session was cut short yesterday.

I wonder if Craig would even do that kind of stuff with me... He did say he had dreams about it. GAH, STOP IT, BRAIN! I can't think that way, it's perverted! NOT THAT CRAIG'S A PERVERT FOR HAVING DREAMS ABOUT IT... Isn't he though? GOD WHY?!

I mean, it's not like I haven't thought about it. Last night I actually thought about it a lot. Oh god, I'm a pervert too! But, every time we get close to doing something like that Craig backs out. Is he disgusted by it? OH GOD!

"Tweek, are you okay? You stopped kissing back." Craig wipes my bangs to the side of my face.

"I'm fine." Maybe I should just talk to him about it... Not now, though. Right now, I just want to kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean back into the kiss. He's caught off guard but kisses back. I lean closer to him and tighten my grip around his neck. "Mmm," I lick his lip and hope he gets the hint. He's done it to me so I'd only assume he'd know what I want. And he does. He opens his mouth and our tongues have at it. He smiles into the kiss. That was the first time I put my tongue in his mouth. He must be proud.

It's not long before I'm in Craig's lap, straddling him and sticking my tongue farther down his throat and his hand up my shirt. My hands are in his hair, twisting and tugging. I love his hair. It's so soft, and shiny and smooth and perfect, not like mine. Mine's like hay, hard and ugly. I love how his hands run up my chest and- knock, knock, knock.

"AAAHHH!" I clutch Craig's shirt and hide in his chest. Craig groans and hits the unlock button on the car.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we've been waiting for you guys and schools about to start." I look up at Clyde and Token and sigh. Thank god it wasn't a teacher or another student or something.

...But, I'm still on Craig and they're still standing at the car door, staring at us. I blush and clutch Craig's shirt tighter. "Aren't they adorable, Toke? Our little Craigie is growing up!"

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