Chapter 15

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Tweek's POV

Tick, tock, tick, tock!

Oh my god, my last class always goes so slowly! Especially on Fridays! I just want to go home, get changed, go to the coffee expo, and go to bed. I might call Craig and tell him about it afterwards. But, right now, I just want to go home! My last class is art, by the way.

And I have no problem with that. Like I told Craig, I like drawing and I think I'm pretty good.

I add another stroke of paint to the pedal of the lily I was drawing. It was just a plain lily but then when I painted it I put a lot of colors on the pedals, like bright red, orange, yellow, and pink and then on the stem I did a bunch of different shades of green.

Well, sort of, pretty good. I mean, I wouldn't really know, because you see your art one way and people might see it differently. You might think, Oh man, I'm such a fricking awesome drawer and then other people are like, What the hell is that? So yeah, I could be great or I could suck.

Yeah, I love art and I love painting and stuff at the end of the day, but... Ms. Smith. She's the art teacher. She's old and she's stupid. She wouldn't know art if it came and soccer punched her in the stomach. I hate how she'll try to tell us if we drew something wrong. You can't draw something wrong, it's art! There is no wrong!

But, I guess that's just me, because everyone else is fine with her drawing on their paintings. I don't let her do it to me though. I'll keep drawing near the place she's trying to fix, basically pushing off her hand.

She takes the hint and stops. Because I swear every mistake on my paintings from the past are because of her.

She says I'm a good drawer. But, I still won't let her hang my work in the hallway. The kids tear down the work in the hallway. And I like my paintings and I want to keep them forever. So I'd rather have them tucked away in some folders deep in my closet. Where no one can see, and where I can have them forever.

Paranoid? Probably so.

"Ok, children, five minutes 'til bell, start cleaning up!" I sigh, thank god! I put the paintbrushes away. Awesome, I just finished. I added a dark gray back round to make the colors stand out more. And now I'm done. I tell Ms. Smith I'm gonna take it home and she just tells me to be careful since it's not dry. I nod and roll my eyes when I turn around.

"Hey." The bell rings.

"Oh, hey, Cr-Craig." I smile at him; we walk out of the class.

"So are you and Thomas gonna leave now or do you still need a ride home first?"

"I n-need a ride home, if it's no t-trouble..."

"Not at all, I was just checking." I hold my picture in front of me and try to be careful. Not because I was told to, but I don't wanna ruin my painting. Craig leans over my shoulder to look at it with me. "Oh, wow, nice. Tweek, you did this?" I nod. "I thought you said you were good?" He stares at my expression and then laughs. "You're fucking fantastic!"

"Y-you think so?" I look down so he can't see my blush, but I know he knows I am.

"Mm." He smiles. "I do."

"Th-Thank you..."

"You'll have to show me more of your paintings. You're talented, Tweek."

We make it out to the parking lot and to Craig's car. He opens the passenger side for me and then gets in himself.

He actually hasn't done that since our first date. I like it. It makes me feel like he's my prince... OH GOD, I SOUND SO GAY RIGHT NOW! But, it's true... and I love when Craig makes me feel that way.

He pulls the seat belt over himself and I watch. Man, I love staring at his face. It's so... perfect. The shape, the features, his hair, and those goddamn eyes.

Man, I haven't realized until now, but, we haven't made out for a while... OH, I'M SUCH A PERVERT!

Craig catches me, but I don't look away. He probably thinks I'm creepy for staring at him, but I just can't bring myself to look away. What I wouldn't give to have him over tonight and just... URG, THERE IT IS AGAIN! I can't believe I just thought that!

But, anyways, I've also been thinking about how I don't have any pictures of Craig, or any of us together or anything. I would really like to have one. So I could stare at him without being a creepy pervert.

"Tweek, are you okay?" Craig asks, concerned. He must've read my confused expression because he says, "You're red and you've been staring at me for the past five minutes."

"I... well, it's n-not a problem, per se..." He stares at me and starts the car. "I mean, i-it's no big deal..."

"What's up?" He's eyes are on the road but he keeps glancing at my face which probably resembles a tomato right about now.

"Geh, nothing... Drive! Eyes on the road!" I turn to the window so he can't see my face.

"There's something wrong with you, Tweek. Just tell me."

"I s-said it was n-nothing!" I tell him a little louder.

"You're a really bad liar..." He mumbles looking down. "I thought you trusted me."

"It's not a b-big deal, trust m-me when I say th-that," It was a smartass comment and I know Craig doesn't appreciate it, but, I don't want to say I'm a horny, pervert who wants to make out with you.

"I have a problem too." He replies after a little silence. I look at him. "We haven't made out since three days ago and my body's freaking out."

I blush and turn back to him. "Cr-Craig..."

"Yeah, what? I trust you enough to tell you I'm a horny teenage boy and there's nothing I can do about it." It gets quiet and he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Me too..." I mumble after a while.

"What?" He glances at me.

"M-Me too." I repeat a little louder. I turn back to the window. I can't look at him anymore. It's too embarrassing!

"Really?" He asks, looking at me, since we stopped at a red light. I nod. "Dammit, Tweek..." The light turns green and looks back to the road. "Well, you could come over after my work on Sunday, I don't think anyone will be home yet..."

I swallow, hard and nod. I did want to come over, but could he be just a little nervous about it?

When I got home I gave Craig a peck on the lips but we held there for a while and then he stuck his tongue in and I put my hand to his cheek. His hand slides on my thigh and I break away. "Th-Thomas... is gonna be here and I have to get ready." He nods. "See you later."

He nods. "Bye, see you tomorrow."

I get inside and go upstairs. I shut my door and breathe. Just a little kiss and I was so... excited. I had to get out of there. Craig's probably laughing at me. I check outside my window. He's gone. I better start getting ready Thomas said he'd be over at three and time goes by fast when you don't want it to.

I take shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get dressed. I wear plain jeans and a plain green button down. Nothing too fancy. We are just going to a coffee expo.

I was chilling on the couch and there was a knock at the door. I open it and it's Thomas. He waves. "Hey, you ready?"

I nod and we get in his car, I didn't know he had. I didn't even know he could drive. I should be able to drive but I just get so scared. WHAT IF I CRASH AND DIE. "Oh, god don't kill us please!" I scream, pulling my seatbelt over my chest.

Thomas laughs, "Don't worry, Tweek. I'm a very safe driver."


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