Chapter 5

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Tweek's POV


"Tweek! Again?" My mom came from behind the counter and started cleaning up the broken mug and coffee.

"I can't help it! Holding it and bringing it to the customer is TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" I yank on my hair.

"It's alright, hun. Don't pull on your hair, one day you'll go bald." She picked up the last bit and wiped up the rest of the coffe while I just sat there, twitching my right eye twitched. I felt bad, my mom was always cleaning up my messes! WHY CAN't I HELP MYSELF?! Oh, well.

I had to work in the cafe today. I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS! Why do my parents insist on making me wait tables when they know all I do is break things! I get paranoid. Walk straight. Don't shake. Don't tilt the tray. DON'T DROP IT! "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I pound the sides of my head.

"Honey, it's really alright. You wanna work the counter instead?" My mom ask me. My mom hates waiting people. She says some people can be really rude! And it aggravates her that she has to pretend that she's happy to serve them even though she's not and wants to curse them out. That, and other reasons like when people take to long to order and general stuff like that.

"N-no, mom. I'll be fine. I promise I won't break anymore dishes." OH NO! A promise?! Why did I do that?! Now, I'll be more nervous! 'CAUSE IF I DROP IT NOW I LIED TO MY MOM WHEN I SAID I WOULDN'T! I'M NOT A LIAR BUT I CAN'T HOLD STILL! "GEH!" She pats my head.

"Alright, Tweek." She smiles at me, thankfully and goes back around the counter.


I look to see who walked in and yelp. Craig, Clyde, Token! Why do I keep running into them?! Well, they kind of ran into me considering this is my parents café. They should know I'd be here. DID THEY KNOW? Are they trying to kill me? OH GOD! "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I scream running into the back. My dad stares at me, curiously.

"What's wrong, son?" He ask, continuing with his cooking.

"N-nothing, dad!" I take the plates of food that have been prepared for the other tables and leave. I try not to twitch so much, remembering my promise to my mom. But, with them over there. Watching me. It's- IT'S- IT'S

"TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" I yell, stopping at the table, barely making it. Almost spilling the food. Even worse, on the customer too! I feel their eyes piercing my back. I know they're looking do I dare look back?! I do. On the way back to the kitchen. I peek over. They aren't looking at me. I sigh, THANK GOD. I thought today would be my last. Clyde catches me though. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, OH JESUS, SHIT!

"HAY, TWITCH!" He waves with a big grin. I stumble into a stool and drop the tray. But there was nothing on it anyway and it didn't break. Thank god. I rush back into the kitchen.

"You sure everything's alright, son?" He asked me again,

"I'm fine, dad!" I put the tray in the sink and take out the new dishes on a clean tray.

When I get it to the table, safely. I head over to take their order. Oh, god why?! "H-hi, a-are you r-ready to o-order?" I twitch and try to keep still while I write.

"Yup, yup!" Clyde beams.

"I'll have a caramel frappe." Token tells me.

"Mocha frappuccino." Craig mumbles.

"I'll take a hot chocolate, the strawberry shortcake, some pound cake, AAAND can I have extra whipped cream on all of it?"

"Y-yeah..." They weren't kidding when they said Clyde was next fattest to Cartman. I mean they were nowhere near each other on the scale, but I mean Clyde could eat a bus. Cartman's not that fat anymore anyway. He kind of turned it into muscle. He was big, just not in the same way. I realize I'm just standing there, looking retarded and blush.

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