~ Ch. 52 ~

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[ I don't own the X-men like I said before just Calla and the story plot I'll use any X-men that come to mind and any song that I feel fits the chapter I never know how long the chapters are ever going to be either ignore spelling errors from what Kurt says =)


                             Calla's POV    ~5 months later~

    It's been five months since Kurt and I left the Institute. Five months since I made that phone call to the Institute and talked to my friends and newfound family. It hasn't been bad here, and I have made some progress with Kurt.......I've come to realize that it's apart of his "animal side." The side that wants to protect his mate and our baby or babies. With me getting closer to my due date, I think it's actually helping with lessening this protective side that he has.

    Other than that, Kurt has been training me.......up until a few weeks ago. He stopped training me cause he's concerned, with how far along I am, that it might injure the baby. With how big I've gotten though.......I think we're having twins. We are actually on our way to the Doctor that I've been seeing, regular monthly check-ups. Kurt stays in the car because he forgot his Image Inducer......he didn't realize it until the end of the first month that we were here. We pulled up and I kissed him, telling him that I'll be back and left the car. I checked in and I wasn't waiting long before I got called back.

    "How are you feeling today, Calla?" my Doctor, Mrs. Lewis asked me. "Fine. The cravings aren't too bad. Morning sickness is a pain though." I told her and we laughed. "I can sympathize with ya on that. When I had my daughter, it was miserable. So, we are going to do an Ultrasound today, just to check and make sure that the baby is healthy." Mrs. Lewis said, I lifted my shirt and she placed the cold gel on it and started up the machine. Then I remembered what I was going to ask her. " I don't think that I have just one. I'm really big to only have one kid. Well, at least I think I do." I told her. "Well, let's check shall we?" she said, smiling and moved the wand around, looking for the baby or babies. It didn't take to long to her to find the image. She smiled at me, while I was just confused while looking at the screen......I have no idea how to read that thing. "Congratulations, Calla! You have Triplets!" Mrs. Lewis told me. I was in utter shock........Triplets?! I was only thinking twins........but.......TRIPLETS?!?! Oh dear......

    "Where is your hubby? I thought he would've finally came with you this time." she asked, as she handed me a towel to clean the gel off of my stomach. "He couldn't get off of work this time.......he works for a big name construction company. I think they are building a new Best Western or a Starbucks....I can't remember." I told her. "Are you sure that you still don't want to know the genders?" she asked me. "No, we both decided that we would rather be surprised." I explained, she nodded. "I'll be right back, would you like some water?" she asked. "No thanks." I said. This is odd.....usually she would just have me sign a paper, confirming my visit and scheduling my next one and that would be it. This is different. She shut the door and I sat up.......a crazy thought passed my mind that Jean or the Professor tricked her into leaving and that they were finally going to bring me and Kurt back Home but...........I've started to lose that feeling.......come on! It's been FIVE MONTHS and they haven't come and got us! I know they were waiting on me to get Kurt calm but- my thoughts were interrupted as the door opened. I looked up and saw Jean and Logan. I squealed and hugged Jean, then Logan.

    I was so happy to see them again! It's been too long! I could feel nothing but happiness in the hugs and I didn't want to let go of Logan anytime soon. We've grown so close and it broke my heart when we left. He's like the oldest older Brother that I never had. I reluctantly pulled away and looked at them.

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