~ Ch. 37 ~

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[ I don't own the X-men like I said before just Calla and the story plot I'll use any X-men that come to mind and any song that I feel fits the chapter I never know how long the chapters are ever going to be either ignore spelling errors from what Kurt says, rate, vote, comment please =) ]


                Calla's POV

    Once Kurt left with Jean, I started to walk around the Institute. How could I tell Kurt that ever sense yesterday, I can control my powers. It's just so weird! I don't get it! Before yesterday I always had problems with controlling my powers, and now, ever since I unlocked them, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Well, almost has anyway. I decided to go find the Professor and talk to him about it.

    I found the Professor with Ororro outback sitting on the patio chairs. "Professor, can I talk to you?" I asked him. "Sure, of course you can Calla." the Professor said. "Do you want me to leave?" Ororro asked me. "No, it's not a private conversation, you can stay if you want." I told Ororro. "Ever sense......yesterday.....now that I have unlocked all my powers......I don't have any problems controling them. I don't understand." I told Ororro and the Professor. " I see.....well, Calla, it most likely is for that simple fact, about what happened yesterday. Sense none of them are locked up anymore, they could just be for that simple reason." the Professor said. I nodded. "However, I would like you to do a little demonstration with your weather power. Ororro, if you would." the Professor said, Ororro stood up. "Alright. Calla you see the plant on the other side?" Ororro said, I nodded. " I want you to create just a big enough rain cloud to only water that one plant. Alright?" Ororro said. "Yeah." I said and stood up and walked over to the plant and focused. I opened my eyes and the rain cloud was exactly the size of the plant and I released the rain so it gave it a gentle shower, do it didn't over water the plant. When I made the cloud vanish I heard clapping and saw the Professor, Hank, Ororro, and Logan. "Nicely done." Ororro said, smiling at me. " It truely is remarkable that you have control now." Hank said. "You did very well." the Professor said, smiling at me as well. "Nice job Lilly." Logan said. I rolled my eyes and Logan chuckled. "That reminds me, Pietro is awake again. He's asking for you." Hank told me and I zoomed away and got to Pietro in under a second.

    "Are you alright?!" I asked Pietro, a little panicked. "I'm fine." Pietro said. "Well, you definently look better." I said, smiling at him. I went over and undid the bandages. "Nice, that's almost healed. Which is quite surprising." I said. "Well, Hank does give me medicine and I have been sleeping alot." Pietro told me. "True, I'm going to clean that though, there's dried blood." I said, as I grabbed a rag and dunked it in some water and went back over to Pietro after I wrung out the excess water. "You don't have to take care of me ya know." Pietro said. "Yes, I do." I told him, Pietro sighed. "That's just like you to care so much for the people that you love." Pietro told me, I could tell that he was smiling. Once I cleaned his wound I dried it and put some fresh bandages on it. "Oh, that reminds me." Pietro said, rummaging through a bag that Wanda had brought him from the mansion when she came over. He pulled something out that looked like a lanyard. "Here, this is for you. It's a backstage pass to our next concert, we're going to have one in Bayville soon. I think next week. I want you to come so that you can sing with us and so we can hang out during the break. Besides, I know you want to see some one." Pietro told me, doing his famous 'eyebrow wiggle' that he does. "Sure, I'll come." I told him. This really is the perfect chance for us to hang out. I still want to hang out with Wanda though, I want to get to know my baby sister. " I knew you would. You never let me down." Pietro said and I smiled at him. We talked for a little more until I told him that I had to go see if the others came back and I ordered him to go to sleep. "See you in the morning, you might be able to get discharged. I'll bring Dr. McCoy down with me tomorrow. Alright?" I told him. "Alright, night Calla." Pietro said as I shut the lights off. "Good night." I said to him.

    Once I got upstairs I saw that everyone was sitting in the entrance area. I was about to go upstairs when someone grabbed my hand. "Where do you think you're going?" Kitty said. " I had something that I wanted to take care of." I told her. "Sure, ya did." Kitty said, dragging me over to the couch where Kurt was sitting and I sat inbetween them. "So, we all heard that you can control all your powers now! Can you show us some that are indoor friendly?" Kitty asked me, excitedly. " I don't know." I said, trailing off. "Come on, please!" Jean said. "Okay, just a few." I said as I stood up and focused on my weather abilty and had it rain on Scotts' head. "Hey, that's cold!" Scott said, and I saw him shiver. "Well, maybe if you weren't so uptight all the time, you wouldn't be an easy target." I told him, smiling. Everyone laughed and Evan gave me a high-five. "She's right dude, you are vay too upzight." Kurt said. Scott smiled a little. "Fine, guess I diserved that." Scott said. I focused on something else. I was thinking when I felt warmth in my right hand. I can control fire! "That ain't indoor friendly." Rogue said. "Yeah, you're right, give me a sec." I said and though on cold. I looked at my left hand and it was ice. I put my left hand on my right hand and extunguished the fire. "That's cool." Evan said. I felt dizzy and light headed after that. I could feel myself falling and Kurt held me. "You alright?" Jean asked coming over to me. Kurt looked concerned and I could feel his tail curling around mine. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I stood back up. "That could be a side effect of using more than one power for a certain amount of time." Scott said. "How bout you go get some rest?" Rogue said. " It is getting pretty late anyway. We should all get some rest." Jean said. "Kurt, can you help her to make sure she gets to her room?" Jean asked him. "Or I could just do zhis." Kurt said, and he teleported me to my room.

    "You alright?" Kurt asked, holding me close to him. "Yes, I'm fine." I told him. "Zhat reminds me, vhat do you have around your neck?" Kurt asked. "Oh, this?" I said, holding up the lanyard to Kurt. "Pietro gave it to me. It's a backstage pass to one of his concerts. He wants me to go, it's in Bayville." I told him as I got out of his hold and put the lanyard on the table. I grabbed my pajamas, changed in the bathroom and came back out to Kurt who already was in his pajama pants. I slid under the covers with him and he held me close. "Gute nacht kätzchen." he told me. "Good night liebe." I told him and I fell asleep.


[ well, this might be the only ch. that I'll be able to update today, I'm going camping AGAIN and can't bring my laptop, I won't have service anyway -_-, so here's this for now!! =) what do you guys think of the story so far? I really want to know what you people think =) here's a pic of Rogue just for the heck of it =) It's getting pretty hard to remember who's pic I already posted in these chs. =/ ANYWAYS till next time my X-men friends!!!! =) ]

[ Gute nacht kätzchen- good night kitten  ]

[  liebe- love ]

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