~ Ch. 30 ~

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[ I don't own the X-men like I said before just Calla and the story plot I'll use any X-men that come to mind and any song that I feel fits the chapter I never know how long the chapters are ever going to be either ignore spelling errors from what Kurt says, rate, vote, comment please =) ]


                        Jean's POV

    I was helping the others clean up the mess from Calla's uncontrolled powers that happened moments ago. Kurt and Calla went upstairs and Remy came over and helped us. "Why did you tell Kurt to take Calla upstairs?" I asked Remy. "Cuz' she was going to break. She feels bad about what she did." Remy said. "It's not her fault. She just needs to learn to control her powers." Scott said.  "They keep saying that she's going to start training. But, they haven't." Evan said. "I'm her trainer porcupine. She's not ready yet. She has to be stable to train. The Professor is going to work on that with her." Logan said, coming down the stairs. He walked over to us. "Just finish this up and get back to doing whatever you kiss do. Remember about curfew." Logan said walking away. "What?! When did 'curfew' start happening?!" Evan asked. "The Professor wants to start one now." Logan said walking out the door.

    I walked into the Professors office and he told me to sit down. "Is something on your mind Jean?" the Professor asked me. " I was just wondering if I could help you with working with Calla." I said. "Yes you can help, it will probably be better if two telepaths help her. We could try to unlock more of her powers this way." the Professor said. I nodded in agreement.

           Calla's POV

    I opened my eyes. I guess I fell asleep. Kurt had his arms around me and I kissed him to wake him up, it worked as he opened his eyes to. I smiled at him and he smiled back to. "I guess we fell asleep." I told him. "Ja." I sat up and so did Kurt, I noticed that our tails were still entwined. "Ve should go downstairs." Kurt said. "Don't vorry no one is going to be mad at you." Kurt said, holding me close. I pushed him away and stood up and walked towards the window.

    "You don't understand!! I'm a monster!! I can't even control my powers!! Let alone I'm the daughter of Magneto!! I won't ever be accepted here!!" I screamed those words at the top of my lungs, not giving a shit about who heard me and not caring that tears were rolling down my fast, I wasn't crying hard enough to make my voice crack, which I was relieved for that part. I brought my wings out and was about to fly out the window when Kurt grabbed me and bit me. I was trying so hard to resist the possessive bite that made me want to succumb to letting him hold me, I was trying so hard that I started to try and buck him off of me. "Don't do this kätzchen. Stop resisting me. I don't vant to have to knock you out." Kurt said, still holding me and bit me again, I cried out, not in pain, I just.....I don't know why I cried out.

    I heard the door burst open and I turned my face to see who was in the room now. The Professor, Logan, and Jean. I looked away, still resisting Kurt and the bite, which wasn't helping me leave. "Elf, why you doing that?" Logan said. "She vants to leave, she doesn't feel accepted cause she's Magneto's daughter." Kurt said, still not letting me go. "Calla......" it was Jean who spoke, taking a step closer to Kurt and I. "You are accepted, Remy is Magneto's son and he's here with us. What males you think that you won't be accepted?" Jean asked, standing beside Kurt. I didn't face her, I didn't say anything, I brought images from all the damage that I have caused so far, I even brought worse images, images that I think that might, or will, happen if I stay here. "Oh....Calla." Jean said, Kurt let me go and I dropped to my knees and Jean hugged me. "We are all here to learn. Yes, we all make mistakes, that doesn't mean that we are mad at you." Jean said. "That also doesn't mean that you have to run away. Trust me, it's not a good idea." Logan said, coming up to us and kneeled next to me and he put his hand on my shoulder. "Calla.......do you really want to leave us?" Kurt asked me, I shook my head no. "Then why do you insist on running away so much?" the Professor asked me, I gave him a look and remembered that I only showed Jean those images. I brought the same images to the front of my mind and showed the Professor.

    "Ah... I see.....Calla, we are going to help you. None of us here, at the Institute want to hurt you. Please, cease trying to run away all the time. If you feel up to it do you want to start training tomorrow?" the Professor asked me. I thought on it then, 'Stay, let us help you. Let me help you. Stay with us. If not for us then, stay for me. Bitte?' Kurt spoke to me through telepathy. I looked at him and he was smiling a sheepish smile. I wiped my eyes and stood up. Logan and Jean stood up as well. I looked at the Professor. "Yeah, I'd love to start training tomorrow. What time?" I asked the Professor. "That's up to Logan, he's your teacher tomorrow." he said. I looked at Logan. "Since you're new still, how about 2 in the afternoon? Sound fair?" Logan asked. "Yeah, yes it does." I said and walked over to Kurt. The others left the room. I laid on my bed as it was probably I'm guessing midnight and Kurt shut my windows and laid next to me and held me close, again. "Do you have to bite me every time?" I asked him, already knowing the answer. "Yes, yes I do. Just to make you calm." he said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and we fell asleep..........again.


[ ugh, well I have to end it here cause I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, idk if I'll be able to post tomorrow, I might be in alot of pain, and I have ANOTHER party to go to, but, that depends on how I feel so for now I hope this is long enough =) ]

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