~ Ch. 22 ~

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[ I don't own the X-men like I said before just Calla and the story plot I'll use any X-men that come to mind and any song that I feel fits the chapter I never know how long the chapters are ever going to be either ignore spelling errors from what Kurt says, rate, vote, comment please =) ]


                                   Calla's POV

    "There you are!" Kitty said as Kurt and I appeared. "Morning." Kurt and I said in unison. "We only need to get food and drinks so were gonna take the Van and go to the Grocery store. Calla, you're with me, Jean, and Rogue. Kurt, you're with Scott, and Evan. We'll be buying the food and the boys are buying the drinks." Kitty said.

    When we all go out of the Van and went into the grocery store Kurt turned on his image inducer and I wore a hat to cover my ears and I wrapped my tail around my waist so it would look like a belt. We each grabbed a cart and we split up into our groups. "So what kind of food should we get?" I asked Kitty as we passed the drink section that the boys were headed to. "Just a bunch of chips and sense there's going to be a grill, we're going to buy hotdogs, hamburgers, and steaks." Kitty said as we all grabbed some random chip flavors, I grabbed Sour Cream and Onion and Barbeque. "Why steaks?" Rogue asked. "Cause it's cosidered party food." Kitty said. "No, it's not considered party food." Jean said, shaking her head while smiling. "Well, fine, we won't buy steaks." Kitty said. "If you think about it, steaks are really expensive." I chimed in. "Well, can you think of anything else besides hamburgers and hotdogs?" Kitty asked me. " No, cause no other type of food is considered party food." I said. "What do we have now?" Jean asked. "We have two cart fulls of chips. We should get other snacks like pretzels or something." Rogue said. "Just pretzels or is there something else?" Kitty asked. "How bout nachos? That's party food." I said. We kept walking around the store for another 30 minutes to make sure that we had everything. When we went up to the check out the lady looked at Kitty. "These four cart-fulls are together." Kitty said, as she was the first one.

    Once we got all of the food paid for, we all walked out of the store and went to the car. Evan, Scott, and Kurt were already there. "How long y'all been standing 'ere?" Rogue asked in her southern drawl. "Just 30 minutes, now let's load these carts and get set up." Scott said. Once we were all loaded into the van with everything I asked a very random question. "You guys think that I should give Logan a test for being our DJ for the night?" I asked. "Yeah!" Evan said. "It's about time someone makes him take a test!" Kitty said. "Vat are you going to make him vest on?" Kurt asked. "You'll see." I said with a wink and continued my conversation with Rogue and Kitty, Jean was talking with us too, but, she was driving.

                                    Kurt's POV

     "Dude, you got your work cut out for you." Scott said to me. "Ja, I know." I said to him. "You better stay with her during the whole night, or else someone could snag her. Same goes with you Scott. We've all seen how these girls dance." Evan said. Scott and I nodded our heads in agreement. The girls were laughing about something that Rogue said when we pulled up to the mansion. "Hey Logan! Were back from grocery shopping! You can open the gates." Jean said to the screen that we have above the sign for the mansion. "Right." Logan said and the screen went black when the gates opened.



[ wow!! here's another 1 for 2day!! I'm feelin acomplished!! =D I know this is short but, I have to end it here for how the story goes..................here's Scott!!!! ]

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