Go Away

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^^Pic of Leon.^^

Leon's POV
'Why must we hold a ball Father? I hate socialising, and you know that.' Scowling, I crossed my arms and waited for Him to answer. 'And besides, this is only a ploy for you to choose me a wife.'

Of course he didn't actually say anything. He's dead. Well, not really, but he doesn't pay attention to anything. That counts right?

Stomping out of the throne room, I headed to my room. Slamming the door seemed appropriate, so that's what I did. Pacing my room, I took comfort in the dark blue walls.

Then an idiot knocked.

Growling in frustration, I yanked open the door and stared at the Royal Tailor. 'Yes? I'm very busy. What do you want?' Keeping my voice neutral, I waited for his reply. 'I-I am here t-to help y-you into the new s-suit you or-ordered for the party.' His stutter really annoys me. 'Yes alright. Just be quick.' Stepping to the side, I let him in. Hastily bowing he stepped into my room. His son followed him, holding the suit. Along with tape and pins. I hate dressing up.

Two torturous hours later, the suit was complete. The party wasn't until tonight, so I sent the Tailor and his son away. Sighing in relief, I went over to my desk and started on the finishing touches of a painting. It was a girl, and she was beautiful. She was wearing a deep green dress which had light blue embroidery, almost white. Her hair was a chestnut brown with gold highlights, and her full pink lips were curved in a smile. Her eyes were a deep emerald green, but they had wells of sadness inside them. I didn't know who she was, but I pray to Dad, though he doesn't listen, that I get to meet her. That she actually exists.

Finishing the painting, I stepped back and stared at it. It felt like she would just step out of the painting.

Few hours later...
Blinking the sweat out of my eyes, I focused on Fain in front of me. 'What, the Princess need a nap?' He jeered. He didn't mean it, I knew that. We'd been friends ever since he started teaching me sword fighting. Grinning, I tightened my grip and swung at his left leg. He lifted his sword in retaliation, and I quickly swapped to the right, hitting him. 'No thanks Granny, but I think you need one.' I threw the insult at him. 'What? Can't hear you, I'm too old!' He swung at my head and I blocked him, then he swung the sword under mine and hit me on the chest. Panting, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. 'P-princess?' I chocked out between guffaws. 'G-granny?' Fain laughed. After we stopped laughing, we put away our swords and hugged. 'Good to see you Leon. Now how about some refreshment?' I rolled my eyes. By refreshment, he meant beer. 'No thanks Fain, I'll get enough at the party.' Shrugging Fain lifted the flask to his lips. 'Your loss.' Shaking my head, I headed out of the training arena. Fain ran to catch up. 'Do you think that you'll find your mate?' I shrugged my shoulders. 'Everyone's going to this party, so most likely.' Slapping me on the back, Fain chuckled. 'Maybe it'll be that girl in your painting. That'll be something to see.' Mussing up my black hair, Fain walked off, singing a song about a girl and a doctor traveling through time. Chuckling at his antics, I entered my room. Stripping off my leather shirt and trousers, I turned on the shower in cold and hopped in. Damn you Fain, I'm going to have bruises everywhere. Sighing, I grabbed the soap and rinsed off the smell of sweat and leather.

When I got out, it was almost time for the party. 'Shit.' I hurriedly put on the black suit that was finished earlier and combed my almost-dry black hair back. I stared back at my red eyes in the mirror. 'Okay Leon, be prepared. You might not find your mate, but that's okay. You'll find someone else.' Feeling more confident, I stepped out of my bathroom and them out into the hallway. Fain was waiting. His blonde hair was messed up, and his gold eyes lit up with mischief when he spotted me. 'Well well, not too shabby Princess.' Falling in stride with me, he messed up my hair. 'Right back at you Granny.' I didn't bother fixing my hair. 'Lets get this party over and done with.' I grimly said. 'What? We ain't even there yet, and you hate it.' Shaking his head, Fain chuckled. 'You and your non-socialness.' Rolling my eyes, I opened the door. 'Whatever Granny.'

I am so sorry!!!!! I haven't been on much, and I thought you deserved an update. The next chapters gonna be a few hours before the party in Prince Xaydon's POV. The pic is of what I think Prince Leon looks like. As I said, I'm really sorry! *hides in blankets*

Love, Kitty

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