Looks Like We've Gotta Share

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Xaydon's POV
I couldn't believe it. There she was. Everything around me disappeared and I could only focus on her striking emerald eyes, which held happiness and awe in them. It felt like I had been staring at her for years, that's how content I was. "-don! Are you listening to me?" Shaking my shoulder, I snapped out of my trance and looked at Leon. "Yeah I'm fine, great in fact. Because I have found my mate.
Looking back at her, I noticed she was still staring, but this time with astonishment. And it wasn't at me. Frowning, I followed her gaze, which was now fixed on Leon. My mouth dropped opening in shock. He was staring at her with joy in his eyes, like she was his mate. But that cant be right! She's my mate.
Grabbing his arm I spun him around so he was facing me. "What the hell Leon? Why are you looking at my mate?" Leon shook his head and looked at me in confusion. "Your mate? But she's mine. Wait, are we talking about the same person here? That girl-" he pointed his finger at my mate "-with the emerald green eyes? Or are we looking at different people?" I shook my head grimly. "We aren't looking at different people. We're both her mate." Leon's mouth dropped in shock, as mine had earlier. "This, this has never happened. Why the hell has it happened? And to us of all people? How is this supposed to work? Oh god, can it work? What if-" Slapping my hand over his mouth to stop his nervous chattering, I stared at Leon seriously. "I don't know the answer to any of those questions. For now, let's just go talk to her, see if we can figure something out. Are you going to be quiet?" Nodding his head, I removed my hand and then looked at my-well, our-mate.
Who wasn't there anymore. Glancing at Leon, I notice he has looked at where she was. "Let's stick together for now, and head to where she was last, see if we can see her." Leon suggested. Nodding my head, I started forward with Leo trailing behind.

Avery's POV
Crap, crap, crap. Why oh why was I the unlucky one? Why two mates? And why are they both princes, both from opposing kingdoms? I'm pretty positive someone's trying to kill me now. Which I would gladly accept right now. I can't have two mates!
It's completely unheard of! Well not really, it just hasn't happened since Adam, Eve and Steve. Yes, Steve existed, even if the Bible says he doesn't. But that was eons ago! And it had a purpose. Steve impregnated Eve with God, and at the same time Adam impregnated Eve with Lucifer, so yeah, God and the Devil are twins, and God didn't create Adam and Eve. (A/N: I am sorry if I offend any Christians, but it's how I imagined the system. Again, sorry.) Obviously, the humans couldn't deal with that. Good and Evil, related? No thanks, we'll swap the order around, and it'll make more sense. Do goddamn arrogant, thinking they're the superior beings. Hell, my pinkie has more authority than the Queen.
Anyway, back to the present. Glancing around the hallway anxiously, I kept up a brisk pace and glanced over my shoulder every now and then, keeping an eye out for my mates. The first couple of doors I tried were locked, but finally I came to a door that was finally unlocked. Quickly I slipped into the room and locked the door behind me. Sighing in relief, I slid down the door. Keeping a ear open to make sure no one was coming, I took in the room.
'Holy shit.' I muttered, awestruck by the power and money the room excluded. It was a simple room. The walls were a deep sapphire blue, trimmed with a creamy mother-of-pearl white. The low coffee table was a dark mahogany, polished so much that the ceiling was reflected perfectly in the grooves and bumps of the top. It was set between a sofa and two armchairs, both a pure, creamy white, almost looking untouched, aside from the faint depressions from where people had sit. Looks like not many people use this room, which suits me perfectly, because then no one will harass me why I'm not a the party.
Hearing two pairs of footsteps, I tensed and tried not to breathe too loudly. 'Please don't be them, please don't be them, please don't be them.' I chanted over and over in my head. Shivers of pleasure ran down my spine as a quiet, deep and sensual voice spoke. 'Are you sure she's here Leo? She could be gone from the castle.' The footsteps grew closer. Another male, Leo I assume, replied to the other guy 'I'm positive Xay. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like I can sense her.' I mentally went 'awwwww that's so cute.' Wait, Leo? Xay? Shit! Those sound like the start of the princes names. I stiffened as they stopped on the other side of the door I was on. 'She's in here Xay, I know it.' Then the sound of the doorknob jiggling as Leo tried to open the door. 'Its locked. How did she get in a locked room?' Xay queried. I heard Leo sigh. 'She obviously locked it from the inside. Guess I'll break the door down.' I gulped. He's not serious, is he? The door shuddered under the impact of something on the other side. Oh shit, he's bloody serious. Better move or become a pancake! Scurrying away from the door, I his behind the sofa, which coincidentally was facing the door. Please hold door, don't let them in... Unfortunately, the door didn't listen, and was kicked down. My mouth dropped open as Prince Leon strode confidently, his gaze zeroing in on me. Coming in close behind him, Prince Xaydon looked like his complete opposite. He entered the room silently, and I almost didn't notice him, even with his bright red hair. Gulping in fear and antucipation, my gaze switched between the two pairs of eyes, one red pair, one green pair. 'Oh no...' Gulping, I backed slowly away, looking for a way out of this....problem.
Almost without thinking, I compare the two friends. Pale skin, black hair, lean but toned body, and a loud, outgoing and friendly manner summed up Prince Leon. Tan skin, red hair, a slightly buffer body than Leon, and silent, brooding manner beside him was Prince Xaydon. Funny that they were friends, they were completely different. And they should swap bodies to suit their personalities better. A giggle slipped out before I could contain it. Amusement flashed across  both their faces. 'Well, she finds it funny. Do you think it's funny?' Xaydon questioned. I gulped and shrank into the wall, wishing it would swallow me. Shaking my head, I looked around and noticed that I could escape through a gap. Darting past them, I disappeared around the corner and hid behind one of the various big pot plants along the hallway. 'Hey! Come back here!' Leon hollered after me. Closing my eyes I hoped that they wouldn't find me here. I couldn't deal with it. Having one mate, yeah that would be fine. But I have two. And they're both princes of opposing kingdoms. Yeah no thanks, give me someone else. Hell I'd be glad for it to be the ugliest person in the world, at least they won't have a bloody kingdom to run!

Yes!!!! Writers Block hath been cured! I shall update more frequently, and maybe work on my other book! Yay!

Don't forget to




Love, Kitty

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