I Know You, Don't I?

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Avery's POV

Guess where I am? Nope, not in the crowd. Not at the refreshment table either. I'm hiding behind a pot plant. Why? Because I stick out like a sore thumb. I clearly do not belong here, and the fact that no one has a dress like mine makes it more obvious. It's a floor length deep green dress with white embroidery along the waist. I absolutely loved it, but looking at everyone else there, I felt it was a bad idea to even come. But, this is my only chance to find my other half, or escape my parents. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to eat as much as I want. But I guess I'm too nervous at the moment to even think about eating anything, but I still looked at the table, imagining myself eating the chocolate mousse, egg sandwiches, strawberries, and all the other foods I can't be bothered naming. It's food, which I will probably never get to eat again. With that thought, I stood up and edged my way around the room towards the table.

Surprisingly, no one looked at me, which is a relief. I made it safely to the table with no one trying to talk to me or stop me. Success! I grabbed a plate and grabbed a few bits. Okay, that's an understatement. I grabbed a lot. Not my fault that they've put so much food here! When I finally peeled away from the table, my plate had shrimp, egg sandwiches, kebabs, and potato salad. Heading towards the nearest table, I plopped down onto a seat and started eating. I knew better than to just wolf down the food. Trust me, I've had lots of experience. After I had finished, I went back for more. This time I grabbed some rice stir fry, chicken, more shrimp and some grated cheese and crackers. What? Grated cheese tastes way better than slabs of cheese. I dunno why, it just does to me.

I went back and forth between the table at least two more times. Third time for more dinnery food, and the last to get dessert, which was chocolate mousse, pavlova, strawberries with cream and caramel icecream. After all that, I felt full for the first time ever. Sighing, I patted my stomach and leant back. Watching the crowd, I chuckled. It's always funny to see what people you know will do when they're social compared to how they usually act. Some of the really popular people were being ignored and were sitting by themselves or with one other person, and some of the really shy people were surrounded by people. Guess you shouldn't judge every book by its cover. Of course some were still the same. Like the overly flirtatious backstabbing skanks who everyone despises and wants to be with at the same time. And in more ways than one, if you get what I mean. Would you believe me if I said they used to talk to me? They were friendly and not stupid bimbos, but that all started to change in high school. As time went on, they tried to make me bend over backwards like my family already make me and bullied me if I didn't. I retaliated and never went to school again. It's much easier to study at home. Less drama.

Suddenly a person stepped in front of me. I know, so cliche. I'll look up and it'll be my mate right? Wrong. It was actually one of my brothers. Oh joy. 'What are you doing here?' I snarled. Startled, he looked around before settling his gaze on me. Smirking, he walked over towards me. 'Why hello sister. Didn't think you would actually come.' I scoffed. 'Yeah, and miss out on food and not seeing you bitches ever again? Not likely.' He put his hand over his heart and stumbled back a tiny bit. 'Ooh that hurts sis. Feeling the love.' Rolling my eyes, I walked past him and weaved my way through the crowds.

Again, I felt someone staring at me. Ugh, better not be the meet-my-mates-gaze-and-live-happily-ever-after clique. Looking around, my gaze focused on a girl with blue hair. And I don't mean like navy blue, I mean neon bright notice-me-I'm-fucking-awesome bright. Well, that's my opinion. Anyone who dyes their hair that bright must be awesome. She was staring at me, and honestly, I didn't know why. I've never seen her before, or not that I've noticed. I usually have my head in a book or being pushed around by my family and bullies. Shrugging, I turned and continued my way through the crowd. '-ry! Hey, Avery!' Hearing my name, I looked around for someone I knew. Only I didn't. Must've been my ima- 'Avery stop ignoring me!' Someone shouted in my ear. Growling in annoyance, I turned around and glared at the culprit. 'What do you want?' I grumbled. Smirking, the one person I didn't want to see at all stood infront of me. Mason freaking Black. Of course he would be here. He's been my tormentor for years. 'What, no hello for me?' Raising an eyebrow, I turned away from him. 'How about goodbye instead.' I muttered and started moving again. But I didn't get any further before Mason grabbed my arm and turned me back around. 'Tsk tsk Ave. You're not getting away that easily.' His grip tightened a little. 'Mason if you don't let go of me I'll-' suddenly someone cut me off. 'Avey! I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?' Turning, I saw the same girl as before. You know, the one with the bright blue hair? I figure she saw I was in trouble and decided to help by pretending to be my friend. I smiled at her, playing along. 'Hey! Long time no see! I'm fine, how are you?' Mason looked utterly confused, and looked back and forth between me and Bluey. What? I needed to call her something! 'You don't mind if I steal her for a bit, do you? Thanks!' And just like that, I escaped from Mason's grip.

Dragging me through the crowd, Bluey stopped at the edge of the floor. 'Thanks. How did you know what my name was? And what's yours? And why do I feel like I've met you before?' Bluey giggled and raised an eyebrow. 'Okay, I know your name cause I overheard Mr Hot and Possessive say it-' I grimaced at the name she gave him, '-and my name is Lilliana, and I don't know, but I feel the same way Avey.' I squeaked in surprise Lilliana gave me a hug. After some hesitation, I hugged her back. 'God, it feels like we've been friends forever! So what do you like to do? Have you found your mate? Oh god, if Mr Hot and Possessive is your mate, I'm so jealous!' I laughed at the rapid questions Lilliana threw at me. 'Slow down Lil! I like to read and cook, no I haven't found my mate and Mason is one of the people that kinda bullies me.' She raised her hands to her mouth and looked like she was going to cry. 'Are you okay Lil?' She nodded and whispered 'Noones ever called me Lil except my dad. He's gone now.' I felt instantly sad and hugged her. 'I'm so sorry, I didn't know.' Hugging back, she shook her head and smiled brightly. 'But don't worry, it's been years. So if you're my new friend, can you cook for me? I suck at it, and I reeaaaallllyyy love food!' I shrugged. 'Uuuuh sure? Although I have to ask, why have I never seen you before?' I questioned. She rolled her eyes and snorted. 'That's cause you've usually got your head in a book, and my hair used to be black, so I didn't stand out as much.'

After that, me and Lil became fast friends. We walked around talking and laughing with each other and what people were wearing. 'Oh my god did you see her? I'm pretty sure she was wearing a cloth around her waist and that's it!' Tears in our eyes, we collapsed against a pillar and laughed until our sides hurt. Wiping away tears, I stood back up and pulled Lil up with me. 'It's true though, she wasn't covering anything.' I chuckled and nodded my head. 'I know, I saw her.' The girl we laughed at is wearing barely anything. Like she had bright red tube covering her boobs and private parts, barely, and a sheer see through dress ending barely below her butt. Looking around, we tried to find our next victim. Gasping, Lil clutched my arm in a death grip. 'Avey!! The princes are on the floor! We've gotta go see them up close!' I felt a knot in my stomach. 'Do it have to?' I whined. Lilliana looked at me like I'd grown two more heads. 'Duh, they're the most sought after boys in the realms! It is vital! What if one of them is my soulmate?' She gasped and started dragging me forward. 'What if one of them is you're soul mate?!?' She squeaked in excitement. 'We could both be princesses and hold parties all the time! We could visit each other all the time, let our children play together, grow old happy with them!' I groaned in defeat. 'Alright, but I don't think one of them is my soulmate.' Lil pouted. 'Don't be such a downer! Now come on!' Pushing her way through the crowd and dragging me, we made it quickly to where girls had crowded around the two princes. I stopped breathing and slowly started backing away. There was too many people! Luckily, Lil was too focused on getting through the crowd she hadn't noticed I was backing away. I was near the edge of the floor again and breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, I froze. Oh you've got to be kidding me! My green eyes met red eyes and the world faded out. I could only focus on those bright, piercing red eyes. I found my soulmate! I snapped out of it when someone shook his shoulder and looked at the person who broke the moment. Only to be gobsmacked. The same thing happened as before, but instead, his eyes were a blue with green. What. The. Heck.

Haha! Just like I said, I updated! Finally!
Took my brain long enough to think of something.....
Anyways, what do you guys think? I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger! You'll have to wait! *rubs hands together evilly*
Oh and please, please, please




Love, Kitty

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