the clan of worrias

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'' ami get out of bed , come on !'' i rolled out of my bed only to hit the cold harsh floor with a thump , oh how i do adore mondays , i meen what else could i be looking forwoard to , to getting en ass wooping as walked into the school gates , nah becouse that never happends! i rubbed my head and looked up at my sisster , god she lookes mess , i sniggered under my breath , i put my hand on the wall to support my body in helping my self up ,  i strolled over to my small wooden dresser  , ontop of it sat a small tap and  pair of shorts , i sliped on my top that  had on the front '' three days of grace'' , i un ziped my shorts , and adempting putting one leg in , how hard could it be? i spent about 5 more minnutes hoping around my room trying to fit my legs into the shorts , if only i would of sat down on my bed sooner to put them on

i stumbled down my stair case , my eyes barely open, ''wait where the hand ra- ''befor i could evan  finsh my stence i went tumbling down my stair case , one stair artfer an other , i looked up to see my brother screwing new scrws into the rail '' YOU COULD OF GIVEN ME SOME RUDDY WARNING YOU KNOW!?'' i bellowed at him , what dipshit wouldnt warn hes well beloved sisster that there was no hand rail and not warn her she was about to fall to the firey pit of death! ok well maby iam over acting but it still hurt !'' Its not my fault your clumbys''he mocked , he rasies hes eye brow as he carried on playing with the scrwes '' Hay you little sod wait till- '' PACK IT IN THE BOTH OF YOU'' mums voise could most porbbly be heard from acorss the naborhod ,

''whats for brekfast?'' i heaved my self onto the chair ,  only to my delite to find there was nothing part from en old box of cheryos on the tabble , i  grabed a bowl from the center of the tabble and went to pour out the cheryos , ok well scartch that its not a box of cheros its a box of ruddy crumbs .... '' sorry amithest its all i could out of your anut dear'' mums voise seemed limp . you know what , i can skip brekfast it be fine , moveing out into the bathroom i grabed my little red brush and started combing my hair , it takes ages to back comb it , i sighed to my self as i just brushed into there chopy layers , its monday i cant be bothered to evan breath let alone spend 2 hours on my hair , SHIT , out of the corrner of my eye i could see the school bus pull up ,well shall i call it a prison bus becouse iam currntly serveing 5 years in a hell hole called school

''BYE MUM I GOT TO GO! '' i sprinted past her giveing her a quick kiss on the cheek befor slinging my bag on my shoulder ,  the bus honked as i made my way up to the bus stop , the yellow doors opened , there i could see all my prison mates , you know the ones i prsion with ,well school , amber and piper were sitting  mid seated on the bus , amber would allways wear the same style day in day out , her one direciton t shirt and a pair of pink shorts , piper was more of the stylesh one with a i love nyc top and pair of leggins '' Morning amithest'' amber smiled at me befor nugeing piper sending a single to wake the hell up and say morning to me too '' Uh yeah morning amiy'' pipers voise seemed sleepy , well like mine  you could say '' Morning you two '' i sat a seat infront of them and truned slightly to face amber and piper '

''so how was your weekend with jamie pipper '' i grined as i spoke , she blushed like a peach i chcuked my head back in laughter '' it was ok i think'' she repiled , i titled my head , why would it be ok? thoses two are in dieing love for each other? '' why was it ''ok'' i tinking you was mad for each other?'' pipper shuruged , she held her bag up stuck her hand into one of her ziipy pockets rumageing into to it , she pulled out a out lip stick and a small clairs mirrow , she applies her lip stick '' He was just  , not my type i think '' i rolled my eyes at the sound of ''not my type '' id die to date him , he was so sexy , no he wasnt sexy he was a sex god! But thats piper for you one of the most popular girls i know , boys are allways stuck to her , i wish shed rub her luck off on me somtimes

The bus journey was exactly what i expected , the year 11s had shoken up pepise cans and chcuked them down the stair case, nothing changed then , tho i fell sorry for the poor year sevens , it was there first day and allrwady some of them had been soked head to toe in pepsie , nothing changes i guse , the bus came to a holt , everyone came stampeading down the stair case , i jumped of the bus i think just about escapeing death , '' Pipper put your phone away befor miss larks see it'' i yelled at piper hideing her phone behind my bag , she would never learn her lesson '' Hey amis right , remmber last time they took your phone '' amber said spoting the teacher up ahead

''HOW MANY TIMES PIPER '' misses voise cracked , she wasnt the kind of teacher you would want to get up close next to '' Hand it over pipper'' miss extended her hand expecting the phone to be handed her stright away '' But  miss ?  the bell hasnt ruddy gone yet?'' piper never knew when to shut up , just as she stated about the bell , what a suprise it rang , she fronwed and handed her phone over '' thank you pipper, Now off the lessons , scram the three of you! i peace of misses slobber landed stright in ambers face , she cringed as the teacher walked of '' EW EW EW GET IT OFF ME '' piper bent over to pick up a leaf , she cringed as she looked away and wiped the slober of ambers face , i chucked my head back in amusement , allways amber how would draw the short straw

the three of us spilt are sperate ways , how i wish we was in the same form , then i woudlnt have to make the lonesm journey to the sceince block.  i reached for the sceince block door and started makeing my way up the staircase ,  i put my hand out with everygrab heathing my self up with all my strength , why me , why did i have to walk up 4 flites of stairs to reach my form room thats and the very end , yet piper only had to walk like two minnutes! amber and piper are so lucky there in the same form , But in a way my forms full of all the hotties , thats one thing i can boast about to amber and piper , theres only ike 5 girls in the class , and i dont evan talk to them becouse lucky me iam sat on the teachers table , i made my way up the stairs , by the end of my joruney i could swear i had died harlg way up

my from was perticuler nosiey today , i could hear them all way down the corrider , i reached my form and opend the door , my class all looked at me , no suprise , iam allways late to class , its not my ruddy fault i missed the bus '' Amithest your late'' my teacher was allright ,she didnt like me much , shed allways have this disspaonited tone '' sorry miss the bus came too late today ''
i could lie my way out of anythink'' Very well , take your seat '' , i slang my bag down onto the table where two boys where , one of them woke out there day dream with a sudden jolt as my bag hit the desk , he didnt dare say anythink to me tho '' nowyear 10s today were gonna blah blah blah blah '' i had faded out , in my own little bubble , it beated listening to misss talk about sceiney shit

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