The tail

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'' NO NO MORE SORROW I BEG FOR YOUR MISTAKES YEA-'' i hit my phone to turn the alarm off , well when i say hit i meen knocked it onto the floor , haveing heavy eyes makes it hard to open them , its a strugle , But you know what whats the need to open them? I meen i ahvent got school becouse iam off , well who am i going to complain , not me! ''AMITHEST BREKFAST DEAR''  my belloed from down stairs , i can smell pancakes ! i could hear mums footsetps comeing up the stairs , she burst into my room '' amithest pancakes didn you-'' her eyes widen and her eyes started to whell , i titled my head ''mum'' ? i mewed

'' OH you thifly verman out out out ! '' at that my mum picked up one of my crutchs and started hitting the bed with it addeptming to hit me ,waht is she doing has she lost her mind!? , i jumped down on all fours and ran under her legs , wait.. when did i become so short , whats happening to me? i darted down the stairs without need to use my railing or go on my ass,sitting on the brekfast bar table was my brother he yelled and climbed onto the table , what a pussy he was ,  mother came harlding down the stair case  with my curtch , '' OUT OUT OUT'' she yelled , i hadnt evan done anythink wrong !?

bounding out my back door and herlding into the filds , so much for ruddy sleep, my mum stod there with my crutch screemed '' stuiped cats!'' I didnt evan know what had got into her , My heart cant talk all this running , i told you , my life was ment to be spent on the internet Not running away from my pysco mum , behind my house ran a little stream a few yards back ,  its where i used to come and think when i was a child , i padded over to the stream and say by , it inhailed and exhailed ,  My mind couldnt think , i couldnt think 

My jaw droped , i stared into the refection of the river , No this cant be happning surely its not ture. there standing in the warter where my own relfection should be was a small kitten with brightly coulered awqa blue eyes , a coat as glossy as a lions main , and brightly coulered fur, mouth still gaped on , this cant be happning , this completly defines the laws of phsyics( I DO PAY ATTION IN CLASS TOLD YOU)) back to the point.. as i lifted my hand up , the relfction lifted there hand up , as i went to spoke the relfeciton started speeking , i wondred to my self , shakeing my head , this couldbt be happening , surely?

But it felt like i was not alone , i could sense a deeper pressence... It smelt like wet dog , ha no , re write , more like felines, . 5, 4 ,3,2,1 ... FELINES!?'' how the hell could i smell felines , 'snap' iam not alone... i jumped to my feet and sprinted away from the nosie , i cant think all this is happening so fast , with without any regurd to the other creatures around me , i couldnt care less that i smelt ruddy cats , more to the point i was one! i span my head round to see if i was being follwed , good.. sprinting in and out of the ferns that would lay on the grounds , i came to a holt

'' WATCH IT !'' standing infront off me was a tall musculer cat , deffitly male this time , his pelt was spilt into two courlers , black and gray , his eyes relfected the sunlight , my tail fluffed up along with my fur coat , he stod there slap bang in my way , '' i beg your parden you just jumped infront of me''? i yelled , well its the truth ! he looked at me sternly , with one look he leapt 5 feet high and into a small tree that was covered head to two with moss , what was going on , talking cats now?

tho he didnt tell me follow him, i still did , he looked like he knew his way round these parts , my ears started twitcing as more vosies from the distence could be heard , i knew i was going the right way , the male cat stoped and snaped his head in my direction , oh shit , he found me , waitif i could sense him from a mile of surely he could sense me?


aveyrs pov

kai has been gone for some time now , me and the other kits were left with helix , he was;nt the best baby sitter but he can do for now , he was extremly lazy , kai leaped out of  a tree landing on all fours 'kai your back'' i smiled with delite , he said nothing ,''whats that nosie'' helix looked up into the tree 's to see a small kit addmpeting to climb her way down , as soon the kit let go she came crashing down to the gorund , who the hell was she? some one he had found and desided to bring back? '' your a gracefull one'' i mocked , at the sound of that i leapt to my feet tackling the kit , this should show her , unshefting my claws i rasied my paw to her kneck as i sat there panting on her chest , the kits eyes were aqua blue , unlike i had ever seen befor

''Avery stand down'' Kai gave out the order and made his way to the kit , i rolled my eyes and jumped of her body , she coughted and spluttered ,  what a drama queen , i sheafted my claws and padded back off to my small nest filled with feathers that we had sheared off the birds in the kill pile , not the best but its the only thing out here , most of the year it snows and we are left with nothing , '' avery just slow down and sleep would you , i can hear your panting from over here '' october said with such sleepyness deep in her vosie , i climbed over and hoped of my nest and onto hers , tho october was the same hight and age as me she still loved to sleep with me , i bent down and let out a tiny yawn and curled up to her nugeing her nosie slightly , but  i cant help think who that kit was..

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