the escape

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the snarling beasts started circleing me , maby this was'nt such a good idea , helix clummbered out of the dirt which he be laying upon , kai put his paw down and lifted helix onto the smallest brunch down at the bottom just about out of there reach, i looked round me , everywhere i looked was huddle of snarling wolfs , i god avery time to put your training to hand , i took two deep breaths befor leaping  up sky high for a momment it felt like time had frozen i could fillt he the breaze rushing round my fur in a manic panic ,  i only looked down to see more wolfs , as i had reached tree high i could see kai shouting at me ''stop!'' i could only see his muzzle motion , no words came out, i landed on top of a wolfs back , its fur was a horrid matted felling , '' Kai keep hold of the kit!'' i scremmed at him , i could tell the new kit was'nt her self she was swaying left to right , she could fall any momment

a wolf leapt ontop of my body , my lungs where compressed i could bearly breath , with one large swipe the wold had draged his claws acorss my eyes and onto my four head , i yelped as i scartched the dog back and wiggled free with claw marks scattered down my body , by now kai was screeming , i knew it was time , these wolfs were beomceing to many , iam onyl a kit and the runt at that ,october lowered her tail , it was a short shot if i was to miss id land to my certen death , but if i was to land id have chance of liveing to see another day , it wasnt a hard chose , i jumped and held my paws out as i gripped onto octobers tail and climbed up her body , and onto the tree , the wolfs had figured us out , we all knew we couldnt stay up in the tree , we would have the jump no questioing it , with one small single we headed

It was in shot , it couldnt be hard to reach ? could it  it was a good few meters away from the nearst brunch , kai nodded his head , we all knew what we had to do we had done drills befor , leda slang helixs limp body over her back and made a run up leaping , she gribbed onto the bark and made her way up , kai singled for her to keep going, there was another clearing up stream its where we would meet if anythink was to happen to us, we find our selfs meeting there , the wolfs barked and grolwed showing us our teeth.. But wait  if the new kit ''amithest '' i think thats her name cant even land on four legs how is she going to make that jump , if she falls shes only going to fall into a jaws of wolf...

kai had slung amithest on his back and leapt over the brunch and waited for me to jump onto the same brunch


amithest pov

Its happening so fast , its gone from two days ago i was snug in my bed and now iam escapeing mungrles that have fungis growing form the mouth , not to mention i miss everythink and everybody's, Iam loseing it , not that 's a change but Iam being carried on a cats back , Oh not to mention iam a ruddy cat my self ? Oh did i forget? We are being chased by wolfs , yes il let that sink in ... wolfs ... WOLFS , HOLLY SHIT THERE GONNA RIP MY LIM BY LIM  , Iam used to seeing dead things but  , this time iam going to be the dead thing... '' Hold on kit!'' Wait hold on .. he laucnhed him  self out of the tree that we was very safe in , But no being the crazy dream this is my mind just wants me to put back to near death !  And who is he calling kitten?!  he sliped in and our the frens jumping over knocked down trees every now and then

i could hear warter not sar far from where we was , it must be the stream, You know the one at the back off my house ? Oh god oh god oh god i need to pee , the sound is driveing me crazy , and i still havent mastered the world of cat bladders ... the cat would boound over a small log intill he came to the stream , it filled with small pebbples '' This is where we stop '' Iam guseing it was my single for me to jump off .

id been waiting with the other cat , he went by the name kai , pretty human if you arsk me , the moon was out and it shimmered acorss the small river relfecting its pure beauity on this world iv come to terms with , Ovisly skiping the death bit. But the other felines , they didnt come , and i know they were ment to come , i could tell it from his eyes,  his motions , the way he just stared at the forst gap were we had come from... but its been hours , infact we left at day time and now its night ...  you know when you have that gut  felling? The kind where you know somethings gonna happen or has happend , I call it butterflys . i Know they wernt comeing ... its to late , they must of falled off the tree and... i cant bare to think, or they were chased and then ... No stop thinking of the worse

''Look.. kit i only know your name and i belive its amithest but if your staying you got to learn the ropes'' kai would speek from laying down still glareing at the forest gap, '' The ropes'' what dose that meen... the ropes,  they way of how the cat would live... the rest of the night passed i didnt say a word , nor did he , Kai stayed up stareing at the gap but no one had came , not a liveing creatcher ... I cant helping thinking this is my fault ... maby is there was no extra wait it would of been some one else on kais back , some one else being saved ... Dose that make me a ... a killer? No amtihest stop talking stuiped have some hope for gods sake they will be here soon maby they just got lightly off tracked, something like that.

i cant help but staying up , i cant sleep , iam so cold and so lonely , never would come a day when id beg to have my family back , beg to be huged by my brother... i miss them all ... Listen to your self , your missing your brother , surely things arnt that bad... But on the other case they where, we was still awaiting the other felines, kai isnteded wed stay put , stay by the river  , and wait for the others , he and i both knew they could be dead , theyd be no reasson for them to stay this long... i may not of knew them , still dose't been i dont meen i want them dead, id rarther have them alive , you know for the comony , some one to be with , but iam not saying in a selfish way iam just saying tho i may not know them id still like them here .. I make no sense anymore! i felt this emptyness inside , one iv never felt... Like id done something wrong...

The night had past and still  no sign , and no sleep , why wernt they here yet , surely somethings happend , whats takeing them so long . the tom cat that went by the name of kai stod up and padded over to the stream and started licking it , i cringed , how could he eat salt warter Yuck , your not gonna catch me eathing that crap! My mind had wondered off some where... wondred off into the past , all i could think about was my human life and that id convie my self there was still hope no matter what would happen , there would allways be hope , sounds strange . but whats the point dwelling on something you cant change , thats what mother used to say all the time


hai O3o , i know no one reads my story or comments infacts just putting this here becouse i hope you enjoyed the chapater and as i speek iam working on the next

thanks for reading :3





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