Oh happy school days , dont you agree?

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my mind woudl drift of to the rest of the world , who needs brains when i have... wait waht do i have , ok well i have  no brains but iam nice surely that will get me some where in life , or will it , i cant help but think of what todays gonna be , i start my b tec soon , more work , more wirteing , my brain just cant handle , thats it , if the stair case is not the death of me then my brain will be! one of the boys looked at me and rasies hes eyebrow as i stared of into the distence way beyound the clouds, the boys glare caught misses attion , my head was slumed down on my desk ,  i was allmost asleep, iam suprised the teacher didnt see me

miss walked over to my desk , as she rasied her hands to smack the desk'' Dont think about it..'' the teachers eyes widen , hah that got her, she allways trys to mak- '' DETTION!'' miss screemed at me ''what!?'' i yelled back at her as i lifted my head of the desk,'' you have got to be shitting me?'' DOUBBLE DETTION!'' miss yelled at me once more , The glass sniggered at me, as miss slamed her hand down on the desk she grabed my contact back and took out her smart looking pen and started writeing in the dettion page ,once she was finshed she slamed it back down right by my ear, '' GET OUT OF MY CLASS ROOM AMITHEST NOW!''the hole class went silent ,as she screemed at me once more , i rolled my eyes and picked up my back and sliped it over my shoulder , i jumped of my seat and headed out the door , its not all the time i get sent out you know , just today i couldnt be harlf assed , i stod in the hallway my foot on the wall awaiting my pusnhment of being yelled at once more befor dissming me

borad borad borad, it had to be by now shed call me in, i could hear heavy foot steps along with young male vosies , i rolled my eyes and let out a large sigh, as the males came round the corrner i could deffintly say i knew them , that was kai , rick , and harry , they were talking about some boy shit as usely most probbly about foot ball who knows , harry stoped right infront off me and chucked his head back in  laughter '' amithest sent out agen? '' he made a tsking nosie which highly anoyed me , but showing my anoynce wouldnt do me any good '' I guse so , i shruged grinning at him and slumed back to the wall slightly , i titled my head looking at the three '' what you doing out class? i spoke with mockery in my vosie '' well the sub teacher trusted the boys to take the register to the key stage '', he smiled at the boys and nuged them at that the boys made there way down the corrider,

four hours had past , i had gone to four classes i think , comptuer science , art , then maths , and next is. history...english joys! i put on my little beanie hat and walked out side of my math block , a bunch of year sevens bumped into me knocking my folders out my hand , Ok my day cant get any worst my notes are all round the ruddy floor!! , a year seven bent down as i rolled my eyes and copied her movment '' iam sorry , i am really sorry'' the year seven apolgised , what did she think i was gonna bite her head off ? Do i look like i have nine rows off teeth and nine ruddy legs ? no so what she so scared about '' kido its fine just go il be ok on my own '' i repiled to the small girl , her blazer was way to big for her and her hair was very well smartly cut in a bob , i knelt down and started scopeing up my notes as the year sevens trotted off , i stacked them and put them back in place befor standing up , well at least pippers in my next class surely thats a good thing?

i had arived at the my destinaion , no wait earse that my destianion is My comfy bed , Not school , i walked into class , wow for once i wasnt late , i sat down enxt to piper and slamed my folders down on the desk , she looked at me and grined '' whats up with you ami'' piper said with a large grin on her face '' a bunch of ruddy year 7sevnes bumped into me and knocked my folders out my hand and onto the ruddy floor , and now when i get back home il have to sort them all out befor i got to bed becouse i need every single bloody note!'' i yelled at amy slumping down in my chair , the hole class went silent and all eyes were on me ,  i pulled my beanie over my eyes '' i just wanna go bed pipppper '' i whined , pipper laughted and hit my shoulder playfully , she took my beanie  of my head  and chucked in the air and catched it ''  come on  no sleepy today '' piper mocked''

i couldnt care less that she just removed my beanie , the teacher strolled into the class like he onwed it , bloody snooty teachers , the worst bread in my books if you arsk me '' TODAY CLASS WE SHALL BE REVIEWING  ADVERTISEMENT OF WORLD WAR 1 IN A MOCK GCSE I HAVE PLANED FOR YOU ALL''The teacher yelled above the bickering voises , could he yell eny louder , wait no if he did hed brake the ruddy windows , but it sure got my ears ringing , the rest of class carried on the orders of the new founded king , well you wouldnt blame me calling him a king , NOt that he looked it but he bloody well acted like it swanning in like he onwed his place ! pipper tapped my shoulder

''amithest what you doing artfer school?''piper whispered '' Not much i was gonna head home , and go into hibernation mode and hopefully assume that positon for the rest of my life , why do you arsk?'' i whispred back to her slamming my head down on the desk, i coudlnt be bothred going out today , i just wanna go home and sleep , sleep til the cows come home , is that a saying? god only knows,'' oh i was gonna go out with amber you know go on in the clearing, maby up the hill side to the small stream?''piper whispered once more  i groned as soon as she said the word hill , wanna know why? see my brain works in the most amazeing way , it will seprate any words that have anythink to do with 'effot'  and Hill is one of them.''

The last bell went for the day , and you know the first day back on our bus's are hell i dont fancy getting egged this year first day back ,like last year , see i do learn some things!  piper and amber had also agreed , None of us was getting the bus today , we walked out the school gates and down a road that i swear dam was 10 miles at least ''amithest , piper , iam going the short way today'' amber grined at the both of us as she said the words ''short'' heres anothing about my brain , it also sorts out words with less effot and short was one off them ''hells yeah'' i repilsed bumbing into her

we came acorss a smalll path that led  into a dense forest area , this certnly didnt look short... '' Oh meh gwd what is slender man comes and kill us all?'' i said biteing my bottom lip , i wasnt jokeing i didnt fancy dieing today'' Dont be silly amithest ! '' pipper punched me playffully in the arm , but it still hurt , i made a small whineing nosie , amber and pipper both laughed , so here we were makeing are way into a forest full of who knows what , But oh hay ho amithest dosent really get a say in things now dose she? no ? well ok '' amithest come on '' pipper and amber both ran into the forest , i hestated , But iam not gonna be left here where mr slender lady can come snatch me up , i did what anyone with out sanity would do and followed them

the clan of worriasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora