6 feet beasts

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averys pov


nugeing octobers muszle i would roll over and wrap my self round her tail, letting a small yawn out, I still couldnt get that kit off my mind , and why she was even in our tiny camp , we Havent got enouth food for everyone , kai can only collect so much for , Me ,leda , and helix , its just the four of us here , Kai would allways speek of the days when he was in the clan , infact he use's them as bed time storys, 

the  night had passed slowly , i was up allnight paceing up and down , i think i even kept october awake , i Just couldnt get my mind of the kit with baby blue eyes , there like iv never seen befor , well then agen iv never seen anyone out of our small set up , But she looked diffrent , the fact she couldnt land on all fours supprised me , consdring shes just like me or october ,  I wonder if kai had delt with her , maby he had killed her , No  he wouldnt of done that , would he?  Why did he want me not to attack her... Maby she was his girlfrined! O la la la! iam only kidding my self , october yawned and jumped onto the ground '' Your fur october ! its sticking up on end'' i giggled , she rolled her eyes and sat down ,licking her paw she would groom her self , i nuged her nuzle evey now and then , just to anoy her , didnt work tho, i mewed and padded under her soft belly, it was extremly warm under there , not she was fat or anythink she was far from it , october had a glossy gray coat, and only two white paws, she was stunning , i would allways look upt o her as my role modle

kai padded into the cave and singled me to follow him, Iam suprised he didnt invate october too , she titled her head and pushed me into kais direciton i laughed and padded out off the small narrow cave follwing kai, infront to the left corrner of the clearing i could see the kit , the one i let met last night , so he didnt kill her , what did he want to do with her ? Its not like iam gonna make buddy buddy with her '' Avery, your no longer in positon to protect this small clan , do you understand?'' his vosie angered me , my fur stod up on end , How could i not protect this clan?! yeah sure iam the youngest and all but kai rasied me as his own , he taught me how to attack , he taught me how to handle my own claws  and now hes arsking me to put that all to waste?'' Your new job will be protecting this kit '' i stod in slience as he spoke ? protect a kit that cant even land on four legs.. Its like arsking me to protect a defenselss little insect ! i know this kit isnt en iscent but she might as well be , artfer all she has the brains off one '' Go on go sat hello'' kai nuged me into her direction , i put my paws down in the gorund , it didnt help tho , He pushed me , i sturgled with all my might to stop him , but i couldnt

looking back i could see my claw marks where he had draged me acorss the clearning , i scalled and kai as he stod there waiting for me to make my introduction ,'' Hi.. My names avery...'' i said thogh gritted teeth , i padded along the copper leaves cirleing her , God did she need some TLC, her fur was matted and full fo twigs , How am i ever gonna protect this kit?'' My names amithest'' she repilsed , i slumed back and sat down , i didnt care if she knew i didnt take a likeing to her , thats her problom not mine , tho her eyes still made me think twice about the kit , kai rasied his ear as they twitched , he snaped his head back , vosies could be heard he let out a loud screem

'' UP HELIX OCTOBER LEDA NOW!'' my heart rasied , I had never heard him screem like that , only the drills we had done , snarling could be heard from allaround me , i knew it was them , out of the bushes came a small cub , draped head to two in some poor victems blood , it wasnt en elder but it was still a wolf , helix bounded out of the cave and stod side by side there fur fluffed up , the hissing began , there eyes locked with the wolfs keeping an eye on everymovemnt , october walked sleeply out rubbing her eyes, i ran faster then any other creature amung these woods , i pounded on october and gribbed onto octobers and the kits poor , with only one hand free i stuck my claws into the bark of a large oak tree hearling my self up and two other kits

I hadnt noticed the sond that the forest had soung intill this momment , everythink went still , the air was draped over with a large blanket as if to send it to sleep , crackling of leafs was heard allaround ,  I coulnd sense it , kai and helix wasnt alone . 6 more pairs of peirceing eyes earuped from behind the tree front and bounded towrds the little camp we called home , there dark pressne hung over me like a bad dream , somethign you couldnt shake off , but its not a dream , its real.

6 foot beasts bounded towrds the camp , i couldnt help but sit here , helples, surely this was a time when my role of fighter was given back, if only today the kit was't here maby we would of nerver came acorss these beasts , they quickly closed in on kai and helix , they were left helpless , if only leda would get of her lazy but and help them!' LEDA GET THE HELL UP'' i screatched hopeing she could of heard me from her deep sleep , nothing but wolfs consumed the clearing now , there were more then i could count

a wolf hearlded it' s self his blood stained claws at the ready , kai leapt out of his reach and jumped onto his back digging his claws into the never system , he drew them down the wolfs back , another wolf came bounding and kncoked helix of his feet ,

a dark and white spoteded tom cat leapt down from the tree's i reconsised him , he was the cat that we traded with sometimes , but he would also come to need in our darkest hours , the tabby leapt off the gorund and pulled helix out from the grasp of the wolf , only then another wolf leapt onto the tabby... i covered the kits eyes , the tabbys blood spilt over the floor , one by one his lungs , his heart and intesting where flung acorss the camp site , Poor tom.. he was only trying to help

the blood had stained the dirt , kai leapt up into the large oak tree shakeing it slightly , the kit wobbled from left to right , i graped hold off her to stop her from falling , helix made a leap for the tree but missed , the wolf had grabed him by the taill sinking his razor sharp tetth into his body , helix yelled , i cringed , I cant sit here doing nothing... draging my paw along the oak tree collecting moss in my grasp , i  added a small stone that i found in the trunk and tucked in slightly , like a snow ball but harder , Oh god i hope this works ..  ''three , two one'' i whispered to my self , ipulled back my paw and shot the ball of moss at the wolfs fourhead , he let go and looked up to my direction, i gave one nod to the kit and and jumped down landing amounst the wolfs ,


I know no one reads these but hah wasnt that exciteing , ^--^?

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