Chapter Two.

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"Mum, I really don't think it's going to fit!" I exclaimed, standing on the top of one of my suitcases in hopes that it would eventually shut.

"That's because you've over packed, Kate. How old are you? 12? You know it's not going to work- you need to put that shit elsewhere." My mum huffed.

The last few weeks have been stressful for everyone but it has taken the biggest toll on my mum. She's the leader of this operation; everything and anything has to be run past her before it can be executed. After hearing this outburst (only one of many), I decided enough was enough and ran into the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the table with paperwork sprawled everywhere.

"Dad," I started, "let's take mum out somewhere. I really think she needs a break."

My dad laughed, "Did she snap again?".

When I nodded, he went to their shared room and changed into a less crinkled shirt. I told mum our plan to go out for dinner and I noted that her shoulders visibly relaxed. She gave me a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek.

That night, our small family shared a stress free meal and discussed anything but the move. I smiled to my dad when my mum let out a huge laugh at one of my jokes. Maybe moving wouldn't be so bad.

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