Chapter Three.

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The last box passed the front door threshold. I looked around to see the entire house was empty and clean. The wall that marked my height over the past 18 years had been painted and the lines could no longer be seen. I walked down the corridor to my room for the last time, remembering times where I wanted to be anywhere but here. Now, I can't imagine leaving...

"You never let me do anything!" a 10 year old Kate screams, "Hannah's allowed to go to Jessica's party! Why can't I?"

"Kate," Andrew Green states firmly, "we told you that we already have plans tonight with Gran and Grandpa. I'm asking you to get ready to leave. You have 10 minutes."

Kate's eyes well up as she realises she is going to have to miss out on the bowling that Jessica's mum had set up.

"I hate you!" she yells and runs down the corridor. Her foot slightly slips as she zooms along the wooden floor but it doesn't matter to her. All Kate wants to do is escape the tight grasp of her controlling parents.

She passes the threshold, slams the door and slumps down onto the floor.

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