Chapter Nine.

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"Kate?" Jonah asked again. His voice was barely a whisper but to me, it sounded louder than my thumping heart.

"I-" I started only to realise my throat was now very hoarse.

I tried clearing it but it didn't work. Jonah must have noticed my struggle because he said, "Here take a drink. It might be a little bit cold by now." I took the cup he handed me and almost finished it without taking a break. Once again, the atmosphere around us turned silent.

"Want to tell me what happened just then?" Jonah looked deep into my eyes almost as if he thought the answer lay in them.

"It was nothing." I excused pathetically. If I was lucky, Jonah would just drop the subject and leave me be alone.

Of course that wasn't what I wanted. Secretly, the idea of Jonah staying warmed my heart. But, I know that his questions and consequently bringing up the past will ultimately make me more upset. I thought that leaving Hannah meant leaving behind everything we shared. All our memories would remain in England. I didn't want them to be let loose here. I didn't want other people knowing what we went through.

"Kate," Jonah said firmly, "that wasn't nothing- please let me help you." His beautiful eyes pleaded and a wisp of his brown hair fell into his cheek. I itched to reach out and tuck it away.

"It's just that..." I started, unsure about exactly how much detail I was going to get into. "I was reminded of an old friend I left behind in England. I was overwhelmed and I guess blanked out. You probably think I'm stupid." I decided that was enough; I was to remain as vague as possible.
Jonah was silent for a moment. Was he expecting more?

He finally spoke, "If that's all you're comfortable with sharing than its okay with me. Listen, I think many things of you; none of them are even close to stupid. It saddens me that you believe showing emotion makes you look it. I admire your honesty, Kate."

I didn't know what to say. I, Kate Green, was left speechless and it was by a boy I've known for no more than a month. In England, I spent my time mostly around other girls. A lot of the boys in my areas wore tracksuits and smoked odd substances in public. I remember I once tried to hang out with a group of them. My uncle spotted me and dragged me home to my mum who was more than displeased by my choice of company. I smiled to myself remembering how she wanted me to get checked at the hospital for any kind of STD or drug induced illness. For weeks after, she would ask me if my stomach felt upset or if I was dizzy. I found out that the kids were only smoking regular tobacco and there was no risk of overdose from second-hand smoke. Of course I didn't tell my mum this; I would get a day of school if I had even just coughed.

"You don't smile enough." Jonah's voice bought me back to the present. I looked up to him and noticed his eyes were fixed on my mouth that was still displaying a grin.

"I don't really have much to smile about." I said. After realising how sad that sounded, I quickly added, "Because all of my attention has been put into moving. I don't have much time to do stuff that makes me happy."

"And what does make you happy, Kate Green?" he asked, leaning back against the bookcase. It creaked and I wondered whether it would fall due to the weight he was emitting.

Without hesitation, I confidently stated, "Music." Jonah raised an eyebrow obviously signalling me to elaborate.

"I mean playing music," I corrected, "Piano mostly."

'Frisco.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora