8 (1)

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Later that night...


I was pacing around my room and getting really worried about Camila. I never met the girl but over the last month, we texted almost everyday. When she stopped messaging me later this night, I started the freak out and I am still freaking out. I don't know what the fuck I am suppose to do. Should I call the police? No. What if she is completely fine and I make a complete fool out of myself for calling the police? But what if she isn't? Should I call the damn po-

My thoughts were cut off my phone ringing. Quickly, I ran up to my desk and took my phone. When I checked the user ID, I felt like a ton of weight just lifted off of me. I answered the call finally. 

"Camila! Oh my god are you ok?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Uhh, hi," a man answered, which made me frown immediately. "I am calling from this girl's phone which I think is Camila. The girl is passed out in my bar and I didn't want to throw her out so, I called the first contact in her phone." At first, I didn't know what to do. How was i suppose to get Camila from  the bar, then I remembered Camila also lives in Miami.

"Thank you so much for calling me, can you please tell me the address so I can pick her up?" I asked while I took a pen and a paper to write the address down. 

"Yeah, it is in the Rosewood street the first building you see when you turn to the street that is coloured in navy blue," the man at the phone said. 

"Ok, thank you. I'll be there shortly," I quickly wrote the address down and closed the phone. In an hurry I went to my closet and picked a sweat shirt and some white jeans to wear. After putting them on, carefully I sneaked out of my house so none of my parents would have been woken up by the noise I made. After, I got out of my house, I walked hurriedly to my car which was parked in front of my house. 

After I opened the door and sat on the driver sit. It hit me all of the sudden. I was going to meet Camila, for the first time. I felt excited, nervous, happy, anxious and, it was really overwhelming. After a little bit of sinking the feelings in, I started the engine of the car and started to drive to the address the guy gave me. The Rosewood street wasn't far away form my house only 10 min drive. 

I drived as fast as I could to the bar and started thinking. Why was Camila at this bar? And why did she got drunk?  Lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realise we came to the bar. The bar looked like a modern building with the walls coloured in navy blue and with black shaded windows. It acctually looked a lot, like a  club rather than a bar. I got out of my car and started walking towards the building. The building had a transparent glass door which you could see the inside. From where I could see, there weren't anyone in the bar except for a man behind the a bar and a young looking girl who is passed out, sitting on a chair while, her head laying on the table. 

Then it hit me. It was Camila. All the feelings that I had while I was driving the car came back, worse than ever. I entered the bar and the guy who was working behind the bar looked at me.

"Are you the person I called to pick her up," the man asked me. He looked like he was in his mid 40s.

"Yeah.." I answered standing awkwardly. After a few moments passed.

"So.. Aren't you get your friend out of here?" He said while cleaning the bar with a dirty cloth.

"Yep," I said while walking towards Camila. When I finally came close enough to her, I realised she had one of the most cutest sleeping face I have ever seen. I started shaking Camila lightly to wake her up. "Camila," I tried trying to wake her up."Camila. CAMILA!" Finally, her eyes started to crack open and when she saw me, her mouth twisted into a small smile.

"Am I dreaming or is it really you?" She asked in really less volume.

I giggled a little, "You are not dreaming, you dork. Come on, lets get you out of here."

To be Continued...


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update. Imma just say I had to study a lot for my exams and I didn't have time to update. Tbh I didn't proof read this chapter so.... yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great Tuesday everyone! :)

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