The Double Date (2)

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We arrive with Ariana towards the Coffee place we said we would meet. My nerves were still present as we entered the coffee place. It was a small place but crowded as hell. My eyes started to wonder around to find Lauren and her "boyfriend". When I saw them my heart broke, here he was shoving his tongue down Lauren's throat.

I felt Ariana squeeze my hand reassuringly and lean to my ear to whisper something.
"We might have to put on a hella good show, so be prepared if I do something unexpected."
I nodded and started walking towards Lauren and her boyfriend.  Lauren opened her eyes and looked at us before pushing him away and getting up to greet us.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," Lauren apologized while looking at me then to Ari, " Hi! I'm Lauren." Putting her hand out for Ariana to shake.

"Hey. I am Ariana, Camila's girlfriend," Ariana said while taking Lauren's hand to shake.

After the handshake, Lauren pulled the guy behind her and introduced him, "This is Zayn."

"Hi, I'm Camila," I introduced myself with small wave because I felt like if I handshake him, I would probably break his hand. The one that was on Lauren's ass right now.

After all the introducing, we sat down at a table. I knew what I was going to order but my plans changed when Ari spoke.

"Babe, do you want to share a milkshake? I am not in the mood for coffee." I could see Lauren roll her eyes from the corner of my eye. If it wasn't for this act I would roll my eyes too. How cliche and cheesy could this possibly get?

"Sure baby girl, whatever you say," I said. We ordered our drinks and fell into a easy conversation. Zayn was not as bad as he looked like.
"So you like boxing as well?" Zayn asked while taking a sip from his drink.

"Yes. Whenever I have free time I go boxing or I spend it with Ariana."

"I didn't know you liked boxing but you can clearly see that it is a sport you do a lot," she said while eyeing my arms. Apparently,  she was looking at my arms a bit too long because she dropped her small spoon on the floor. "Oh shit. Sorry about that." As she disappeared under the table to get the spoon, I felt Ari's hand on my inner thigh. I slightly jumped at the action but it wad all worth it when I saw Lauren's expression as she reappeared from under the table. She was giving Ariana a death glare and that alone made the double date worth it because she was jealous. From that moment I knew. She reciprocated my feelings. The only problem was the boyfriend.

Well there is your christmas present and I will update Selection as soon as possible.  Sorry if it was too short. I love you ma bitchickens and merry christmas 

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