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Camzii: LAUREN

Camzii: Lolo

Lolo: What?

Camzii: I have to ask you something

Lolo: What is it?

Camzii: well.. umm.. maybe um.. Do you want to meet up again

Camzii: Not like the last time you had to get me out of a bar

Lolo: Sure camz

Lolo: What day though?

Camzii: What about next saturday :)

Lolo: I can't :( I have a date with my boyfriend

Camzii: oh

Camzii: Well why don't we have a double date

Lolo: you are dating someone?

Camzii: Yeah

Lolo: But i thought you were single

Camzii: well it is someone new

Lolo: whats her name?

Camzii: erm

Lolo: ???

Camzii: Ariana

Lolo: oh ok then

Camzii: its a double date then :)


Camila why you always lying? ;)

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