(18) Surprise

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"Harry, I'm so sorry about Ron." Hermione looked him in the eye as they entered the library. "I truly don't know what's gotten into him lately."

"Hermione, it's not a recent development, Ron has always hated Malfoy." Harry reminded her, his voice emotionless.

"Oh, fair point." Hermione shrugged. "I just don't see why he can't leave those things behind and at least try to see how much Draco has changed."

The two friends were about to sit down when someone suddenly stepped out from behind them and cut through their path to claim the table first. "I don't think I've changed that much! And Harry, I though I told you to use my first name."

"Draco! How much of that conversation did you hear?" Hermione stepped forward and Harry was worried she might hit him or something, but Hermione simply pulled out a chair and sat next to Draco.

"Hold on, Hermione, since when do you refer to Draco by his first name?" Harry made his way to the table and pulled out the chair on Hermione's other side.

"Since I found a reason to be friends with him." Hermione dropped her bag into the chair before Harry could drop himself into it.

"Harry, come on, you're sitting next to me." Draco patted the empty seat to his right. He was watching Harry closely to see how he'd react and, just as expected, Harry's mouth dropped open and he glanced at Hermione briefly before looking at the empty chair, and then shifting his eyes back to Draco. With his left hand, Draco gestured Harry closer with one finger and Harry visibly gulped as he eyed Draco's finger cautiously.

Hermione scooted her chair back slowly and picked up her things. "I-uh- I have to go-uh- meet Pansy! Here, Harry, you can take my seat if it's too much effort to walk around to Draco's other side."

Harry snapped out of his trance and glared at Hermione, "It isn't too much effort! See? I can do it!"

Hermione grinned and winked at Draco as Harry finally plopped down into the chair Draco had pulled out for him. Satisfied, Hermione turned and left the library before Harry realized that she had tricked him. It didn't really matter because all she tricked him into was sitting down in a particular chair, but Hermione had known Harry for long enough to know that he hates being tricked. Anyways, Hermione had better things to do than worry about Harry being slightly upset, she had to go find Pansy and tell her the good news.


"They're what?!"

"Isn't it great?" Hermione dropped her bag onto her own bed and sat across from Pansy on her bed.

"I can't believe it! Well, I can, but still! This is amazing!" Pansy leaned forward and gave Hermione a tight hug, "Our ship is sailing! Do you have our parchment with you?"

"Yes," Hermione went over to her bed and took the parchment from her bag, "Here it is!"

Pansy took the parchment and used her quill to neatly draw a check-mark next to the line that read Referring to each other by first names.

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