Chapter 31

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4 1/2 weeks later.

Emmy's P.O.V

"The coarse of true love never did run smoothly". Lysander in a Mid summers night dream (A play by shakespear) Is so deep. I wish Joey would sedate me with words. But he is filming storytellers and I haven't seen him in 2 days. Joeys busy, Mily is at work, Sawyer and Melina went on vacay, and Jason is busy with online school. So I'm bored out of my mind.

I feel like I'm going to puke again, Sure enough I did -.-

Everyday for the past week I've been throwing up my breakfast. I hate doctors but I know Joey or Mily will make me go. Speaking of Mily, She walked in. "Hey hey hey! Guess who's off work and.....Are you puking?" She asked.

"Yea I've been puking for a week." I said.

"Oh my god! Have you went to the doctor"?


"Oh god have you got on birth control"?

"Ugh no....." I sighed. "Great You're pregnant" She replied.

I thought about that theory for a second. A kid? I can barley take care of myself! I have no job outside of YouTube and I expect my mom to mail me and Jason money every month, and she only sends 100 bucks. Me and Joey's relationship isn't even stable we fight and break up constantly. If we had a kid it'll be worse.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Pregnancy isn't an option." I replied with a heavy sigh.

"Whens the last time you and Joey, You know, Got intimate?" She asked. "Ugh I don't know like when I saw him 2 days ago". "Do you guys screw every damn time you go to his house.?" she asked.

I thought for a second. Oh my god we do. Well I mean if you were dating Joey Graceffa wouldn't you?

"Maybe!" I shouted. "Whores. Anyways c'mon I'm taking you to get Birth control!" "Ugh fine!"


"Okay Mrs.Locke just pee in this cup and we will test it." The nurse said with a smile. She was blonde (Fake blonde) and had green eyes. She was a bitch.

I walked into the bathroom and placed the cup in the little bowl thing. I was nervous. What if I was pregnant?

I walked back out. "Here is my cup full of pee" I smiled at the nurse. "What a great sense of humor." She snared. "Thanks".

I walked back to the waiting room with Mily. "So should I be called Aunt Mily or Auntie Mily or Mil Mil or-" I cut her off, "Not pregnant".

*10 minutes later*

"Okay Emmy well you don't need birth control. Congrats you are pregnant" The nurse said. "Haha Good one" I chuckled. Mily grabbed the papers out of the nurses hand. "Em she isn't kidding" She said. I grabbed the papers.

Sure enough I was pregnant. 4 1/2 weeks along to be exact. "Great news to tell Joey" I sighed. "Good news he'll be happy" Mily said. "I suggest that you go to the doctor and have an ultra sound done here soon" The nurse butted in. "Thanks" I got up and left. I didn't want to talk baby. I was too freaked out. Im pretty sure I was going to throw up the red lobster me and Mily just had.


When me and Mily got home I noticed Joey was home too. "I guess I should go tell him. Get it over with" I said. Mily nodded. She got out of the car and walked into my house and I walked across the street.

I reached Joey's door and my heart fell into my stomach. How am I going to tell him this?

I walked in and couldn't find Joey. "JOEY"!!! I yelled. he came running down stairs. "Em ugh can you come back later?" He asked. "Why?" "Cause I'm busy with one of the storytellers actresses". I sighed. "This is more important'" I replied.

"Can it wait"? "Not really, What are you doing that's so important? You're cheating on me aren't you?" I asked. "Emmy that is so crazy you don't even know. I love you" He said. "if you loved me you'd listen!" "Okay I don't love you that much".

Did he really just say that? I saw the girl standing at the top of the stairs. Tears fill my eyes. "I can tell I'm not wanted" I said turning around and walking out the door. "Em wait!" I kept walking. More like running. I never ran that fast in my life. I was already at my house in less that 5 seconds.

When I walked in Mily was sitting on the couch. "So did you tell him"? She asked. I shook my head and began to cry. "Should I even have this baby"? I asked. "You are not aborting it!" She yelled. "Mil maybe its for the best". She shook her head. "No! I'm not letting you!" She argued. I didn't want to kill the baby either. But I sure as hell didn't want to have it.

If Joey didn't want me then he didn't want the baby either.  "Okay well then what do I do"? I cried.

"Em you have me and Jason. You are not alone I promise. Now dry your tears cause its a little late to be crying over spilt milk." She said. I nod. "Joey wouldn't listen he wanted me to leave" I said. "Its another girl" she said. "MIL!" "Well it probably is". I sighed.

"I just wish he would listen".

Lets Face It (Joey Graceffa fanfic) Book:1Where stories live. Discover now