Chapter One: The Party

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Mikey loved the idea of attending a kid's birthday party, but he was a bit uncomfortable with the guest seating list; he was sat next to Ashton. He had no problem with the man, except for the more they worked together, the bigger Mikey's flaming desire for his band member's love became.
The day came. Mikey daydreamed about his experience with Ashton. Maybe there would be an opportunity to impress him. Maybe they would hang out and hog the bouncy house. Maybe... maybe they would find out something that would change their world forever.
Mikey pulled up to the house. The door was already ajar. He immediately identified the sounds of children jumping around coming from the backyard.
"There he is!" Mikey turned to the front porch to see Casey, the birthday boy's father.
"Hey, Casey. How long has it been?"
"Geez, three, maybe four years? I was beginning to think you didn't even miss your lab partner anymore."
Mikey and Casey were best friends in highschool. They dominated their academic classes, hence the "lab partner" title.
"Oh, c'mon, how could I ever forget you?" Just then, he glanced inside the house, and everything slowed to a stop.
His hair seemed to flow even in the still air. His teeth shined when he flashed that pearly white smile. He looked at me like he knew he was the only person in my world.
He started to walk towards me. I held myself together. I didn't know whether I should keep talking to Casey and act like I never saw him, or ditch my conversation with Casey altogether, and walk towards Ashton.
That's when I heard a voice. "Hey, Ashton! Long time, no see, pal!" An arm reached out and grabbed him, turning him around and subduing him in a separate conversation. I debated on whether I should be relieved or angry, when Casey noticed I wasn't paying attention to him.
"Pal?" I quickly glanced back to him. "What? Oh- sorry." I hadn't played it off well.
"You ok, Mikey? Your clothes are drenched in sweat."
I played dumb. "No, it's cool. Just hot out here is all."
Just then, Casey's six year old, Oscar, dashed out of the front door. "Daddy," he asks, "Can we eat the cake now?"
"Sure thing, buddy." Casey is such a different man than he was back in highschool. I guess kids really do bring out a whole new person in everybody. He looks like he's been through a lot since the little guy came along, but he easily shows that Oscar meant the world to him.
"CAKE!" Oscar shrieks. The kids flock to the tables, and everyone is seated. Ashton sits next to me, and my stomach flips over.
Here we go.

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