It's a Date

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Mikey stretched his hand out. Ashton grasped it tightly. Pulling up his band member, he said seriously:
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost all my dignity, is all." Mikey blushed.
"Don't worry dude. Let me grab you a Capri Sun." Ashton and Mikey walked towards the blue cooler. Ashton shoved his hand in the ice water and pulled out a Fruit Pinch Pouch. He handed it to Mikey and sat on the cooler.
"So." Ashton said with a sigh.
"So." Mikey copied. He sat next to his band mate.
"Listen, Ash, I'm sorry. I really am. I-"
"Don't worry about it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any "I <3 Ashton" undies too." He smirked.
"It wasn't anything personal." Mikey managed, thinking of a way out of it. "A fan gave it to me. It was my last clean pair as of this morning, so I thought-"
"You don't have to hide it. Don't think I haven't noticed you fumbling about just trying to talk to me."
"I- what?" Mikey felt even more embarrassed. He didn't know if it could get any worse.
But that's when the unthinkable happened.
"I like you too."
Mikey jerked his head upwards. He looked at Ashton's glowing eyes. He didn't know if he was dreaming or not, but either way, he couldn't be luckier.
Ashton continued: "Don't tell the others about this, but I think we could definitely work something out."
"Something out? You mean, like a date?"
"Something like that." Ashton gripped Mikey's hand, intertwining their fingers. "I heard there's a nice sushi place around here. Maybe tonight at 8?"
Mikey gulped. "Y-yeah. I'd love to."
"Great, then." Ashton squeezed Mikey's hand. "It's a date." He stood up off of the cooler and turned back. "I've got some cake to get to." He walked towards the table and took his seat once more.
Mikey felt tingly. He couldn't resist Ashton, his love was crazy. And he had just taken his first step towards a lifetime of irresistible, unconditional love between the two. Finally.
Mikey immediately ran towards the door. He got in his car, started the ignition, and peeled out. He had a date to get ready for.

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