A Helping Hand

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Casey served the cake.
"Oh chocolate, my favorite!" Ashton said with a grin. Mikey felt a tingling sensation when he spoke. The vibrations of his voice struck him like a lightning bolt from the heavens. And he loved it.
Mikey wondered what he should say to strike Ashton's attention. Maybe a, "So, how's the cake?" No. No, that's dumb. He needed something natural.
"Are those new jeans?" Mikey said, trying to stop each word from escaping his mouth.
"These? No," Ashton said with a mouthful of cake and icing. "Why? Do they look new?"
"Oh, no, you just- you look good in them." Mikey said as naturally as he could.
"Thanks. I'll have to wear them more often, I guess." He said with a smirk. Just then, a giant glob of icing leaped off of Ashton's fork and onto his pants.
"Heh, nevermind, I guess."
"Lick it off." Mikey said without thinking.
"Nothing. I said pick it off."
As Ashton picked off the icing from his jeans, Mikey worried he was getting too out of hand. He needed to come off as natural as possible. But God, if he didn't at least take a step towards stealing Ashton's heart, how could he live?
All these feelings made Mikey need a timeout. He stood.
"I'm just gonna go to the restroom real quick." Mikey said to Ashton.
"Sure thing. I'll wait up for you."
Mikey turned toward the back door, but suddenly, the unexpected occurred. His shoelaces were entangled in the leg of the chair, sending Mikey tumbling, his seat dragging behind him.
"Look!" He heard one of the children yell, "Mikey's pants fell off!"
Mikey looked back. His jeans at his ankles, he stared at the children mocking him. "What will Ashton think?" He thought furiously. He turned to Ashton, to find that he wasn't laughing. No, he was staring. Directly at Mikey's waist.
Mikey looked down. He had forgotten, he was wearing his "I <3 Ashton" boxer shorts.
Mikey blushed. He didn't bother to stand up. He buried his head in the grass. He screwed up. He screwed up to the point of no recovery. He would never be forgiven. Not by Ashton. Not by Casey. Not by himself.
Mikey lifted his face off of the ground to see Ashton. He had one arm outstretched. His hair fluttered in the wind. His veins bulging from his arms as he spoke:
"Need a hand?"

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