The Hookup

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Mikey didn't remember everything that happened next. All that registered in his mind was all of a sudden they were driving home, and now they were on Ashton's couch, Ashton's head on Mikey's.
"I really admire you, Mikey," Ashton said. "I can't thank you enough for tonight."
"I was just going to say the same." Mikey smiled. He tried to remain cool, but he had no clue where this night was going. And just as he started to speak-

[Ok. This is a message from the author. I really wanna keep this part as cheesy and ridiculous as possible while keeping it PG-13 rated. I hope that explains everything you're about to see. Thanks.]

-Ashton's hand slid onto Mikey's thigh.
Mikey was shook! He succumbed to Ashton's temptation and put his hand on his cheek before sharing a long passionate kiss with him
"Ash-" he made out, but not before Ashton put his index finger on Mikey's lips.
"It's time to smashton"
Ashton flipped Mikey over and tore off his jeans, exposing his raw [beeboop] and dangling [powwow].
Ashton ripped off his own trousers and thrust his [all star] right into Mikey's [smashmouth] Mikey gagged on his [screams] while Ashton moaned softly.
"[Boogie] me till I [exclaim], Ashton yelled. Mikey kept on [boppin'] until Ashton's moans grew so loud, he knew what came next. Pumps of [Obamacare] slid down Mikey's throat until he had to spit it out onto Ashton's tile floor.
"My turn." Mikey said as he held Ashton while pushing him back on the couch. He stuck his [John Kasich] into Ashton's tight [loopdeeloop] and started to thrust. Ashton let out sounds Mikey had only fantasised about before. Sounds like, "[old man Tucker]!" And, "[we have to save-a the princess]!" Mikey's [remote controlled helicopter] grew harder and harder, he knew it wouldn't be long before he would [vote Seth for student council] too. Mikey lay so that he had his back facing down on the couch, as Ashton climbed on his [gobble gobble] and lay back-to-chest on top of him. As Ashton moaned, Mikey softly kissed his neck while stroking his [PETA] and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, like: "[put me in your story]" and "[hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded in a little while]" Mikey felt a tickling sensation in his [Keemstar] and knew he was about to [snapchat dog filter] in Ashton's [90¢ Fried Chicken Bucket only at KFC]. As Mikey let out one last moan, he finally [stuffed] inside of Ash. There was [Super Mario power-ups] all over the couch and floor, but Ashton and Mikey didn't care, for they were so grateful to have each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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