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ok so I'm HI

anyway so yesterday (Monday, May 31st) I decided I was going to wear my brand new choker necklace, because I really wanted to wear it. so I did.

and I noticed everybody looked at me differently when I was wearing it.

like I walked past my friend who I waved to, but she just gave me this weird look and I was "ok bye tf with you" <- in my head XD

and I was walking with my guy friend and he was like, "I don't really like that" or "can I touch it" and I kept getting pissed at him. but, he sits right next to me in orchestra and head annoying me mORE. I finally let him touch it and he pulled it and let it go, letting it fucking sNAP ON MY NECK AND IT HURT LIKE HELL (if you have this necklace and this has happened to you you get me)

and all day people were like "can I touch it?" "can I try it on?"

like bitch nO

this is mine like buy your own if you wanna try it likE

and people kept saying it was ugly and I was like "DID I ASK YOUR OPINION BITCH NO I DIDNT"

and when I was having a conversation people were just looking at my neck and I was like "um do you have like a neck fetish my eyes are uP HERE HOE"

ok I need to stOOOP RANTING

wait this is a rant book lol

well night chappies

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