Chapter 2

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My dreams always start the same way, I'm walking down a road, I'm not sure where, I've never seen it before. Not in real life anyways. Then, I get dragged into a house where there are no windows, and the door starts to dissaper. As I run for the door it vanishes, then its dark. All dark. Suddenly, there's a light. Then another, then the light starts to write a number, then some words, until it becomes an adress. "301 Death Drive" After hearing that I get up and start walking towards the writing. I don't want to but its a dream an this is just how it goes. Then just as I touch it, the dream ends. With my death. 

Even though I know in my heart its impossible for me to die, it still scares me at times. I sat up slowly pulling my golden hair out of my sweat drenched face. I really don't feel like living today. No, I'm not depressed. But if you lived here you wouldn't either. Let me explain something about where Iive.

They try and tell people its Tennessee, but I know the truth. The people here? They're not human. They may walk o two legs, but they're defenetly NOT human. How do I know? Heh. Just watch.

I thew my legs over the side of the bed and ran over to the window. There was a small child, he looked around 5, and his mother. I looked up, right on the mothers neck. '8/23/3019' I sighed and glanced over at the child's neck '3/12/3017' I rubbed my temples "Another child for next year." I closed the blinds on my window and changed into my normal everyday turtle neck.

Alright, by now you're probably wondering whats going on. See, at birth everyone has a date tattooed on they're neck. I always thought everyone could see it.... I guess I was wrong. At a young age I found out I was wrong about a lot of things. Like the fact that I thought it was odd that everyone here has blond hair, or the forever lingering feeling that normal people are allowed to look outside whenever they want. I dunno, I guess I was just a weird kid. At least, thats what everyone told me. Until I started noticing things, like how the date on peoples neck always seemed to be the same exact day they died. Or how everyone is BORN with the blondest, shineiest hair, but the more you know, and the more you learn, the more secrets you uncover, the darker your hair gets. Most people have hazel hai, or dirty blond indecating that they know as much as a normal person should. But there are also people like me, people like my mom, our hair is so dark its straight brunette. Mine is actually almost black. So yeah, I figured out things like that, like the fact that I found out that the only reason we can't look outside, is because they're hiding something. Something big. 

  Oh, didn't I tell you? Here, we're not allowed to look outside at night from 3:00 AM to 6: AM. Children are usually kept in windowless rooms and adults often wear blindfolds to prevent an accident. Only one person I know of ever knew what they do out there, it was my uncle. But he died when I was 3. I knew he was going to of course, but... I still sometimes wish I would have tried to get it out of him anyways. 

But to my family, to my friends, this was normal. This was all we new, it was all we wanted to know. So, no one questioned it. No one... but me. I watched, listened, maybe saw some things they didn't want me to see, Maybe that's why they killed my sister. I know it was them. It had to be them. Her date wasn't solid! What else could that mean except that they were going to kill her when they felt like it.

Anyways, back to why I'm alone instead of living with a friend or family member. You see, when I was 13 I noticed something about myself. Remember when I said everyone had a date? The date that they died? Mine is '7/27/3013' Well... its year 3016.  My date, was 3 years ago.

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