Chapter 4

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I quickly grabbed my wig and stuffed my long hair under it. See, the people that live near me don't tell the goverment about my hair because they knew my mother. Everyone loved my mother. They don't exactly feel the same way about me.

Anyways, my hair is almost completely brown. Meaning I know ALMOST every secret in this place. Not all though, not yet. I will...but not yet.

I locked the door behind me and took off down the road. We have one of just about everything in this town. So I was off to our one jeweler. I mean if anyone wants to buy jewelry.. they have to go to him. They HAVE to! They'res no one else!

I looked at the jeweler building. Its a small, black, brick, building with a big rusted sign reading 'Jeweler'. As I opened the door I heard Mr Johnson, the jeweler, on the phone. He was in the back room so it must have been an important call. "I understand," He mumbled "she won't suspect a thing." I closed the door as quietly as possible, trying to keep the bells hanging on then top silent. "I promise you, her hair won't get any darker." He stammered, I walked closer to back room, trying to hear more clearly. That was my mistake. My horrible mistake. Looking back now... None of this would have happened if I didn't make that one...terrible....mistake.

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