Chapter 7

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"You're insane Hyunjae!"

Gaeul announced the following day as she and Hyunjae walked down the corridors leading to the office of the Lode star.

There are only two days left before Christmas, but the newspaper's office was still open.

Hyunjae stopped, and made an exaggerated point of looking at her watch. "Congrats!" she said sarcastically.

Gaeul was puzzled.

"Congratulations? For what?"

"It's 10:30 am.., and I picked you up from your house one and a half hours ago.. and it's taken you that long to tell you I'm crazy!" Hyunjae rolled her eyes.

"Oh well, i was actually practicing phenomenal self-control you know.."

Gaeul explained without even a hint of sarcasm.

"Siwon Rang me up from his aunt's last night..." She continued.

"How is he?"

"Still looking awesome as ever.. haha.. hm. He said he was sorry about the backstage pass.."

"So sweet, he's indeed a considerate guy.. good-looking too.."

"Yeah, of course!" Gaeul saidoff-handedly causing Hyunjae to wonder if despite all her words, her best friend might already be losing interest in her new boyfriend.

After all they hadn't seen each other for almost forty-eight hours now and for the love-struck Gaeul, that was something of a record.

"He got a phone call last night." Gaeul went on. "from his cousin.."

"From Kyuhyun?"

"Yeah,. He told Siwon everything about your interview with HC last night after the concert."

"Ye... I was a bit of an idiot that night! Letting their manager snatch that tape of mine like that.."

"tss.. yeah.. well, compared to you, an amoeba has brains! Hyunjae! You just turned down a date with HC himself! Babo!"

"Oh yeah.... I supposed I did.." She said calmly, secretly enjoying Gaeul's dismay.

"Is that all you can say, Lee Hyunjae?! There are a thousands of girls out there who would die to have been in your position that night, and all you can say is "Oh yeah"?"

"He's a good looking guy... I'll give you that."

Hyunjae admitted, and remembered HC's tantalizing eyes, his shock of blond hair, his teeth whiter than any she'd ever seen before..

And that perfectly shaped nose..

"But he's egomaniac, thinks he's God's gift to women!" ;/

"And isn't he??" ^_~

Hyunjae ignored her and started walking again.

"He's found a lil bit of fame, have a few love struck girls sending him fan letters and hanging around the backstage door-" she continued.

"Like us, you mean?" Gaeul replied,

until Hyunjae silenced her with a threatening glare.

They reached the 'The Lode Star' office, Hyunjae started to open the door while still talking.

"Super Junior are still a local band, remember that.

They're nothing but only good-looking guys who can sing vaguely in tune. They're a flash in the pan, and tomorrow no one will remember who they are.

So if that arrogant, self-conceited punk thinks he can turn my head by pretending to be some sort of great and famous rock star then he should get another - OMIGOSH!

Who died?!" 0_o


AN: hihi.. mian if it took me millenniums before posting an update.. =) i hope you'd love this short update... comment please... =)


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