Chapter 5

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The hall was full of security and the big bouncers never stopped looking around. One of the bouncers lowered down at the back stage pass Hyun-jae had presented him.

“Choi S? and that’s you?”


“Ne! Choi Sandy…”

it had been Ga-Eul’s idea to use Siwon’s backstage pass; after all he wouldn’t use it.


“you have any ID?”

aha… haha good enough for me.she thought triumphantly. She pulled out her campus journalist’s pass and handed it to the bouncer. He read it and checked the photo.

“ Choi Sandy! Seems like you’re on the level after all.”

“that’s right… Kyu and me.. we’re like that.”

She closed her finger to emphasize her point.


“OK .. go in.”

yeah.. Kyuhyun’s dad and Siwon’s dad are brothers that’s why they’re cousins.


Haha! Get ready for the next big scoop! – she thought.

She walked inside and on her  way to where the boy’s dressing room was.

Suddenly a fat man went out from a door and Hyun-jae collided into him.

“Mianhae..” she said then look up at the man.

“and who is this?” the piggy-like man looked at the bouncer who was on the open door.


“Choi Sandy boss.. she says she’s kyu’s cousin.”


“Ohw..??” the fat man stared down at Hyun-jae, a look of disbelief showed on his face. Hyun-jae pulled out her backstage pass.

“See?” she said and showed the card.

“Choi S – Access All Areas”

The at man took Hyun-jae’s arm and tramped her towards the door. Hyun-jae shooked him off.

“I’ve got to see my cousin, he’s expecting me.” she protested.

“Kyuhyun is not expecting you nor any of my boys! You are also not Kyu’s cousin – or maybe, unless you had a sex change which I have not been informed about. Kyuhyun’s cousin is called Siwon, not Sandy~ ”


Hyun-jae’s face fell, but still determined to stick on her story.


“How come you know so much about Kyuhyun’s family?”


“My name is Shindong, I’am the manager of Super Junior and I know everything, EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM! Now goodbye Choi Sandy—or what ever your real name is!”


The bouncer escorted her out of the hall. It had been a nice try, but she didn’t know that Shindong is famous for making sure that no one ever trespassed on his client without his permission. That’s why he is one of the most successful managers on the business.

Hyun-jae glared at the stage door, which is now cleared.

Shindong didn’t know, but he had just made her even more determined to get an interview with Suju.


HC stayed along the edge of the stage in tight leather pants, his shirt unbuttoned to the waist, revealing a muscular hairless chest and a gym-trained abs.

Lots of teenage girls in the first few raws squealed their approval. Few of them are over fourteen, even fewer of them had ever had a boyfriend, but every single of them know that HC is without any doubt the sexiest thing that ever had existed on stage.

HC bent down, reaching out to touch their outstretched arms, and there suddenly pulled them, teasing them and making them beg for more. He swayed his hips suggestively and then turned around to face the other boys of the band.

All eyes are on HC, as he spun around turning back to his audience and sang out the Super Junior’s opening number, a rock song entitled “Are you ready”.

At the side of the stage Shindong watched, with a satisfied smile on his face.

HC is undoubtedly the star of the show, he made them screaming for him, as he launched into the 2nd number, a sharp-sounding tune called “YOU”.

Practically, every one the audience are wishing that she could be the one that song is mentioning about.

Towards the back of the hall, Ga-Eul who was already dancing on the aisle, turned to Hyun-jae. “Aren’t they great?”


“they’re OK, but take away their good looks, and HC’s dance routine, and what’s more should be left?”


“Loosen up Hyun-jae you’re just being like that because you couldn’t get backstage to interview them!”


“I’m not defeated yet Seo Ga-Eul, I promised to get an interview with them, and im not going to give up until I do!”



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