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Typically Seungcheol wasn't the type to get jealous let alone to show his jealousy. He usually very easy going. Especially when it came to your career. You were an actress after all and up until a few months ago had only played background and supporting roles. Then you were offered the role of the lead actress in a high school based romantic comedy you were so excited that you agreed and Seungcheol was completely supportive, knowing that this was a huge opportunity for you. You had taken the role of Cho Myunghee and the male lead was Park Dongho.

Up until now in the show any "romantic" moments had been quirky moments such as falling into the man's arms by tripping or pretending to be dating in an emergency situation without warning. Now though the romance was starting to build up and you and the lead actor were going to have to share your first kiss. You hadn't told Seungcheol yet, nervous on what his reaction would be so you had waited until now; the car ride to the studio.

"What's the plot of today's episode, Jagi?" Seungcheol asks as one of his hands holds the steering wheel and the other rests on your thigh.

"Well..." You begin, not sure how to tell him. "It starts out with a school day like usual, but then some of the female students start to pick on me because Dongho has been paying attention to me lately. So I get upset and he come to comfort me..."

"Wow, it sounds so cliché! What's next? Does it start to rain so he S.Coups you up in his arms and run." He remarks with a wink, laughing both at the pun he made out of his name and also how your drama sounds so similar to many Korean dramas.

"Not quite... Then he finally confesses his feelings for me and kisses me." You say quickly.

Silence took over the car and you began to grow worried that Seungcheol was upset. You glanced over at him only to be met with a hard expression. It was clear that he was trying to supress his feelings of discontent.

"Seungcheol?" You call out quietly after a few more minutes of silence.
All that he decided to respond to you with was a grunt. You couldn't help but he confused since he had never reacted this way to anything before. You know that he wouldn't be thrilled but what would make him act out like this? Then it finally hit you:

"Are you jealous?" You ask, trying to supress a smile at the thought of him getting protective.

He scoffed at your remark and pulled into the studio parking lot before shutting the car off and turning to face you. "Now why would I ever be jealous of that actor? He isn't even good looking. There's no competition." He had a smug look on his face but his eyes looked more upset.

You held his face in your hands as you looked at him directly in the eye and began to reassure him. "You're right, there is no competition. I would choose you over him any day Seungcheol."

Happy with your words Seungcheol places one slow but passionate kiss on your lips that left you breathless "I bet he can't kiss you like I can."

Before you could even answer he exited the car in order to open your door. As the two of you entered the studio you noticed how one of his hands was holding your waist firmly and how he was wearing a smug look on his face

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