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order to get it done and over with as soon as possible. So far it was going well, you had bought a handful of things but not done yet.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice call out.

Upon looking up from a rack of shirts; you were met with Hoshi, your classmate. He wore a bright smile and waved excitingly. Hoshi had always been especially nice to you, although you weren't sure why.

"Hi Hoshi," You say with a shy smile, waving slightly in return.

"Are you getting this?" He asked, gesturing to the shirt you were fiddling with in your hands, "It's a really nice color, I bet that it'll look great on you!"

Feeling somewhat shy from his statement you just look down to hid your blush and mutter a thank you. Your reaction sends his heart fluttering though as he finds it to be adorable and bring a grin to his face.

"Y/N, are you here alone? Why don't I shop with you?" He inquires, slinging an arm around you jokingly, "Besides, this way I can see how pretty you look in all these different clothes."

Although his offer sounded tempting at first, the thought of him seeing you in these clothes embarrassed you incredibly. What if you looked awful? Your figure was enough to make you decide to decline his offer, even if you did want to spend an afternoon with him. He was an absolute sweetheart and so handsome, passing up that was difficult.

"Maybe we could do something other than clothes shopping?" You suggest, trying to get the best out of the situation.

"Sure," he agrees with a smile, "Why don't you just try that on, decide if you want it and then and we can head out?"

"No, no" you protest, waving your hands to strengthen your point, "We can just go,"

Hoshi wasn't blind though, he could see your discomfort, he noticed the frown that showed on your face when you looked at the sizes of shirts as he was walking in. He had pieced together that you weren't comfortable with your body.

"Y/N... are you by chance embarrassed of yourself?" He asked shyly, knowing that it was a bold question.

Shocked by the blunt question you were unsure how to respond so you just sighed and nodded a little, sadness washing over you. You couldn't help but think that you looked pathetic now.

Astounded that you were in fact embarrassed of yourself, Hoshi couldn't help but feel upset "Why would you ever be embarrassed of yourself? Do you have any idea how attractive you are?"

"Well.." you began, "not rea-"

"Let you tell you then," he interrupted, "You, Y/N, are absolutely stunning. Even when you don't try to be. In class I always think about how great you look and how that incredible personality makes you even more attractive, if possible. No matter what you try on it'll look great on you. You're not a stick, no, but you've got volume in a way that some people would kill for. Clothes won't just drape over you like a cloak, they'll fit you and show you off. You're not big, if that's what you were concerned about. You're absolutely perfect."

He took the moment to move right in front of you and bring a hand up to craddle your face. His thumb wiping over your cheek, he other hand took ahold of one of your hands. You were shocked by the sudden change of events and were at a loss for words.

"I meant every word that I just said," He says with an endearing smile, "You really are perfect. Y/N, through meeting you in class and getting to know you I've come to like you a lot. Would you go out with me?"

"Yes, I would love to," You beam, throwing your arms around him.

"Y/N, I'll make sure that you feel proud of yourself everyday. I promise."

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