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was two in the morning and you were woken up by the sound of a door opening and the soft padding of footsteps on hardwood floor. It was Jihoon who had just come in, there was no mistaking it, since this has been happening for the past month.

"Jihoon..." you mumbled out groggily, trying to gain is attention

You never got a verbal response, he simply made a humming noise in acknowledgement and settled into bed next to you. The two of you laid on opposite sides of the bed, but the distance felt far greater.

"Jihoon tell you about your day," You try again, hoping to get something out of him since you had gone the entire day without seeing him.

"I'm tired Y/N, let's talk about it in the morning," He replied, letting out a loud sigh

"Ah, but it's morning now," You quipped, turning around to face him

A small chuckle left his lips before he moved towards you to kiss your nose. "After we wake up, I meant."

The contact of his kiss couldn't help but make you smile but his response wasn't what you had wanted. It seemed as though lately each night was like this, he comes home extremely late, doesn't want to talk about what happened and puts it off to the next day. The only issue with putting it off until the next day was that you knew that you would wake up alone since he gets up early for work and doesn't want to wake you up. He didn't mean for it to come across as him not caring about you but after a month you couldn't help but feel that way.

"Y/N" Jihoon calls, pulling you from your thoughts and into his arms "I'm sorry that I've been so busy lately."

"It's okay," You sigh "I understand."

He lays several gentle pecks across your face before finding purchase on your lips where he stayed for several moments before tucking your face into his chest. Laying in each others arms he whispered promises of things that the two of you would do together once his schedule got less hectic. Suddenly you felt a lot less lonely.

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