Chapter 1

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"Tony! See if you can get the one on the left."

"Aye aye, Cap." The Iron man blasted off towards the strange, alien like creature. Through his mask he saw a beam of light coming straight for him. He bobbed and weaved in the air as more strings of light came for him. He raised his right hand and blasted one of them off the top of the flipped over taxi. The creatures looked to be like over grown lizards.

Two more lizards scrambled up on top of the car to take the other one's place. Tony heard a painful scream to his right. He glanced over just in time to see the Captain get slashed by one of the creatures. Tony looked back at his fight to see that the three lizards were combining their light gun things to make one big laser.

He tried to dodge the large beam of light but it was to late. The suit would not move. He was suspended in the air, no longer by his jet boots, but by the blue light emitting from the one giant gun.

His screen was glitching out, and JARVIS's voice could only be heard before everything went black in his suit. His ear com was also blocked and he had no contact with the outside world. The pressure in the iron suit increased and one by one pieces of the suit were ripped from him.

Finally, when all the suit was all ripped from him he was thrown into the side of a building, crashing through the wall and getting slammed into the ground.

"TONY!!" Steve called out. "Stark speak to me, you okay?"

Tony's vision cleared and he felt a headache coming on but he was just sore surprisingly. He lifted a hand up and threw a thumbs up out of the rubble.

He lay there for the rest of the fight passing in and out of reality. After about a good 20 minutes later, the fight was over and everyone went to the hole in the wall where Tony was last seen.

"It's over Stark. Here let's get this off of you." Each member grabbed hold of a big piece of wall and lifted it off of him. More and more pieces were taken off of him and the weight lessened off his chest.

"Uh, Cap?" Clint asked. "You sure this is Tony?" Clint looked down at the face of a boy around the age of seven or eight. The boy pulled himself on his knees coughing.

The whole team looked at the boy in confusion, this is where he was shot down. So where was Tony? The boy held on to his chest with one hand and the other on his head as he got up on his feet. Almost immediately he fell backward into the arms of Steve.

"Kid? Kid, are you okay?" Steve knelt down to mach to boys height, but he kept him in his arms.

"Arc." The boy spoke in a strangled, but high pitched voice, he griped his chest harder before looking around more at who all surrounded him. Looking up he saw Captain America. He moved His hand off his chest.

The Arc Reactor in his chest glowed weakly threw the oversized shirt he was wearing. This was all Steve needed and he took off, running as fast as he could to the tower, cradling the small Tony.

The rest of the Avengers tried to follow the super solder but none could quite catch up.

"Hold on Tony." Steve said. "Almost there, Just a few more minutes." The Captain took the stairs when he got to the tower the Avengers stayed at, skipping almost four at a time. He pushed Tony's door open and rushed to his lab, looking down to make sure that the light was still visible on his chest.

He lay the child down on the table. "Tony, what do I do?" He asked the other, but the bot lay motionless. "Tony! I need to know what to do." He shook the boy.

Tony's eyes jolted open and he looked around. "Get the charge." His hand weakly pointed to a cable lying next to the door. Steve quickly got it and held it out to the boy. Tony took the arc reactor and turned it out of his chest.

"Tony, what do you think you're doing?" Steve helplessly watched. The arc reactor's light went out and the boy grasped the cable in his small hands and plunged it into the hole in his chest.

"Turn it on." Tony's voice was filled with pain as he pointed to wall that had a big lever on it. Rodgers ran over to it and flipped it on, earning a blood curdling scream from Tony. He turned it off immediately and sprinted back to the boy on the table. Tony was gasping for air as he reached out and grabbed the reactor. He placed it back in his chest after ripping the cable out. It glowed bright blue and Tony tried to regulate his breath.

"Tony?" Steve asked. Tony swung his legs over the table breathing heavily. "Do you feel okay?" The rest of the Avengers filed into the lab.

"JARVIS. Stats." Tony said. "What the hell? Why do I sound like Clint after Natasha kicks him in the balls?"

"Sir, the arc reactor is functioning properly and your breathing is regulating back to normal. The blast you took modified your entire being. It seems to have changed your appearance but your brain is still functioning properly."

"What does he mean modified?" Tony leapt down from the table and released that he was a good ways down from everyone else. His clothes were baggy on him and he only came up to just above Steve's waist. He looked down at his hands, the hands of a seven year old. "Damn, everyone leave. I need to figure out how to fix this and you all just standing at the door is not going to help."

Clint didn't need to be told twice and he was out first already thinking of ways to make fun of him later when all of this subsides. Bruce also left, exhausted from the fight. Thor hadn't followed the rest of them to the tower and Natasha just glared at him before leaving as well.

Steve wasn't going anywhere.

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