Chapter 2

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"Well?" Tony asked. "Do you need something?" Everyone had left in order for him to try to fix his appearance, but Steve had stayed put.

Tony turned around to face him but only made eye contact with is waist. He looked up, when he was this height and this small, it made Steve look even more toned and more nice looking, if that were even possible. While looking at his chest he saw the three long scratch marks across it.

Steve knelt down. "Your eye." He stated. Tony then put focus on his right eye and realized how much it hurt. "You need ice." Steve got up and walked to the door into the actual apartment type living area.

"I can get it myself." Tony walked forward not thinking and got to the freezer. He opened it and...the ice is on the top shelf... way to far up for him to reach.

From over his head a hand grabbed a handful of ice and put it in a rag. "Here." The hand lowered and dropped the ice rag in his hand.

Tony grumbled something and went to sit on the table, climbing on the seat the the table. Steve leaned his back on the table, next to where Tony had his feet hanging down. "You need clothes that fit you." Steve looked at him and smiled. That perfect damn smile of his, that smile that no one could say no to.

"I don't plan to be this size for long." Was all Tony said before looking away.

"For the time being you need to be able to move around without tripping on your clothes."

"Yes mom." Tony said mockingly. "JARVIS, could you get some suits for me?"

"Of corse, sir. They will be here in an hour." JARVIS answered.

"Until then, take a shower." Steve ordered, earning an appalled look from Tony.

"I may look like a seven year old, but don't treat me like one." Tony hopped down from the table and started to walk to the bathroom. "And besides, how do you suppose I am going to reach the shower?" He looked over his shoulder.

Steve looked down at him and smiled. "That's why I'm here."  Tony sighed and walked to the shower, Steve following.

Tony let the hot water stream over his small body. Taking in a breath he thought of all the ways that he could be turned back. His train of thought came to an abrupt stop when he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey Tony, you've been in there for a while is everything okay?" Steve's voice came from the other side. Tony rolled his eyes and reached for the towel on top of the toilet.

"I'm fine Steve," Tony said a little more harsh that he meant. "I'm fine." he said with a whisper. "JARVIS, unlock the door." With a click the door was unlocked and was opened. Steve had apparently left and took a shower as well because his hair was plastered to his face and he was wearing comfortable looking clothes now.

Tony took notice that the sun was going down. He walked past Steve and to one of the lower drawers of his dresser. He pulled out one of his AC/DC shirts and slipped it over his head. Tony dropped the towel and walked away, going to the Avenger's community kitchen/living room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Steve asked.

"Look," Tony said with his back to the other, he had had enough. "I may have the appearance of a seven year old but my brain is fully functional and I don't need you all to be hovering over my shoulder." As much as Tony loved Steve's company, he really just needed to be alone right now. At that moment when he was about to tell JARVIS to open his door he got an idea that would get Steve to leave him alone. "But ya know, i might need help getting dressed in the morning." Tony smirked, it was a weird look, being on a seven year old.

Steve went red and looked away. Why did Tony always have to do this to him? He knows he gets sensitive to all the stupid suggestions he makes. When he looked back at where the boy had stood only moments before, the child was gone.


Tony had somehow grabbed the bread on the counter and was reaching for the jam jar on one of the further up shelves. He was on his tippy toes and the jar was just brushing his finger tips. Tony inched it to the side of the fridge and managed to grasp it but it slipped from his hands when it was slid off the platform.

In a swift movement someone had caught it before it could land on his head. Tony looked up and was staring at Natasha. She handed him the jar and went to sit at the table. He thought he was going to have peanut butter on his sandwich but then he remembered that that jar was on the very top shelf of the cabinet, which he had trouble reaching, even when he was his normal size.

When he was done with is makeshift dinner, all of the Avengers had came into the room. Natasha was still sitting at the counter flipping through a magazine, Clint had taken to making himself a way-to-big-a-bowl of cereal, Bruce was sitting in a chair nodding off while Steve was on the couch watching some documentary. It was the perfect picture of their messed up family.

Tony actually caught himself smiling and walking over to the couch to sit but then released that it was to big for him, they had gotten a big couch to the liking of Steve's huge frame and long legs. He settled himself on the floor and used the couch for a back rest. The documentary was on animals of the ocean and Tony could then see why Bruce was nodding off. He too began to feel a little drowsy. Tony felt his eyes getting heavy and he shut them.

Steve glanced down and saw that Tony had curled up on the floor and was fast asleep. He bent over and lifted him on the couch effortlessly. This action stirred Tony and he lazily opened his eyes, not actually awake and crawled the few inches to close the space between him and Steve to lay his head on his lap. Steve didn't know what to do so he just left it and kept watching his show.

"Hey, we're going to sleep." Clint nudged Steve's shoulder and he opened his eyes. He must have fell asleep.

"Yeah." Steve rubbed his eyes and made to get up only to have felt a weight shift on his lap. He looked down and saw Tony's head on his leg. Clint snickered and left the room.

Steve contemplated waking him up but seeing him asleep, seeing him at peace for once was to much to interrupt. He grabbed hold of Tony and lifted him up, Tony unconsciously wrapped is arms around his neck and rested his chin on his shoulder.

JARVIS opened doors and shut them for Steve and when he finally got to Tony's bedroom he stopped and hd a complication. The way he had picked him up will make it awkward to put him down. Steve pulled the covers back with one arm and put the boy down carefully. He was about to stand back up strait but instead just looked at the sleeping Tony.

His hands were on either side of Tony's head and their faces were impossibly close. Steve brushed Tony's hair out of the way and kissed his forehead. He pulled back and tucked the other in.

After he had left Tony's room and was in his own bed he realized what he had done and pulled his covers over his head while heat was burning his fave and butterflies were in his stomach.

Childish (stony)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon