Chapter 7

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"What do you want to do today?" Steve asked.

"I dunno." Tony grumbled.

"We can do whatever you want." Steve smiled done at Tony. "And i mean it. Whatever you want do do we will do. No matter what." Tony seemed to brighten up and smile a little more.

"Really?" He asked looking up with wide eyes. "Anything?" 

Steve smiled and nodded. They walked up back to Tony's room this time and Steve opened the door and let him in. Tony ran to the other side of the apartment and ran into his room. Steve followed, closing the door behind himself. Tony came running back with something in his arms. 

"what do you have?" Steve asked Tony as he sprawled out the things he had gotten on the coffee table. 

"Just look and see. Damn, use your eyes. its just paper." Tony grabbed a pencil and started to scribble down things on a sheet of paper. Steve walked over and looked at what he was drawing only to have it covered by tiny hands. "Don't look! It's not done!" 

Steve nodded and walked away to sit on the couch. He could tell that Tony's brain was going back and forth between his child thoughts and his own thoughts. It was like he was bipolar with his age, at one point he could be giggling and marching around and the next he would be pacing around with his arms behind his back. 

After a few minutes Tony said that he was done and Steve got up and walked over. "Okay, i know its not the best thing in the world but its all i could do right now." Tony held up his paper and on it was a scribe of different numbers and equations that looked like a different language. 

"It' looks good?" Steve was confused on to what it was exactly and Tony got annoyed.

"Really?" Tony asked sarcastically. "Because i don't ever remember you learning to read mathematics as good." Tony rolled his eyes and then explained, "It's the equation to the arc reactor. No one else would have been able to crack it and realize its dimensions. So...I wrote them down."

Steve was nodding along hoping Tony didn't see the confusion on his face. "Why would you need to do that?" Steve finally asked. "You could have chosen to do anything today and you decide to wright down some formulas?" 

"The day just began and I know the reversion of my brain is going to be fluctuating more and more so i thought i would get this over with for everyone so that when I'm gone-"

"who said you were going anywhere?" Steve cut in. Tony just stared at Steve.

"Im not an idiot. I still have some of my normal brain to think with. You don't think i don't know what's going on? I know. I've been having JARVIS keep me updated. I know it's not long now until i revert completely back or just die. I know its going to be hard for all of you so i just thought i would leave and spare you all the goodbyes. Being a kid in the tower is just going to slow all of you down. If i leave and die then so be it, none of you would know, you could all just live your lives thinking I'm somewhere being a child and-"

Steve's eyes were tearing up and he was starting to get frustrated. "Who the hell are you to think like that?" He balled his hands into a fist and glared at Tony. "Who said that you would slow us down? No one thats who! And as for dying, you're not going to die, I won't let you die!" Steve slated his fist onto the counter. 

Tony began to shake, his younger mind was horrified of the big man that was mad at him. He didn't know what to do. He was to scared to speak and tears were starting to form in his eyes. He quickly jumped down from the counter and ran back to his room shouting before slamming his door, "Why do you have to be so mean?!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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