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Part 11

Prince'a P.O.V

Roc & Asia haven't been the same , Dria was with them the whole time. It's just a BBQ

Jacob; What's up with y'all ?

Roc; Nothing just tired

Asia; It's been a long day

Jacob; Oh ?

Jayden; Hi Guys ! *hugs jacob*

Jacob; Hey Baby.

Roc&Asia; Yeah ...

Jayden; What's wrong with you guys ?

Roc; Tired

Jayden; True

Jayden walked inside to get the food. we were siting there talking


Jayden P.O.V

I was getting the food when Ray & Dria came in

Ray; Hey Jay

Jayden; Hi Ray ! Wanna help with some food ? *laughs*

Ray; *takes some* I got chu

Jayden; Thank You !

Ray; No problem *leaves*

Dria; *chuckles* You think you can smile & everything would be alright ?!

Jayden; I'm ignoring you Dria , your irrelevant

Dria got pissed & pushed Jayden into the counter. She slammed her on the ground & started punching her. Dria took Jayden & threw her over the table

Dria; WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO BITCH ?! *kicks her*

~ Flashback ~



Craig; I'll fucking show you *tackles the person & grabs a knife*

~ Flashback over ~


Jayden Tackles Dria & pins her arms down. Jayden grabbed a knife & lifted up like she was gonna stab her


Craig grabbed Jayden & took the knife.

Dria; I TOLD YOU SHE WAS CRAZY PRINCE ! *runs to ray*

Jayden kept trying to get out of Craig's arms to get Dria

Ray; I fucking told you man !

Jacob; J-Jayden, W-why ? *hurt*

Jayden; She's been torturing me, I had enough !

Jacob; She's my fucking sister !

Pearl; Your kidding me ?! Your sister tried to kill her first

Dria; No I didn't , we were best friends !

Roc; Dria said you put a gun to her head, knocked her out & other stuff.

Asia; She has a huge bruise ...

Jacob; Your Turning into him .. *looks at Craig*

~ Flashback ~

Rg; Your Dads crazy *laughs*

Jayden; He is not !

RB; Your gonna turn into him

Jayden; Leave me alone !

Rg; You gon kill me ? *laughs*

~ Flashback over ~

Jayden; *yanks free & runs upstairs*

Craig; *pissed* She was protecting herself *snatches prince up* YOU HURT MY LIL PRINCESS , I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU RIGHT NOW *throws him down*

Pearl; CRAIG STOP ! *grabs his arm* Let's get Jayden & Go

Craig; Alright ...

~ Craig's P.O.V ~

I walked upstairs & saw my lil princess crying.

Craig; *hugs her* Pack your stuff , we're leaving

Jayden; Can you ? Please

Craig; Anything for you princess

I packed her stuff & got pearls stuff. We walked downstairs , everyone looked at us , Jayden walked straight out with Pearl. I shook my head , walking out .

Jayden; Where are we going ?

Craig; Hotel til I get enough money to get a house

Pearl; I'm sorry Jayden *rubs her back*

Jayden; Its alright, Idc anyways :/


2 years later ;

Jayden - 17

Jacob - 19

Princes P.O.V

I have another girlfriend , her name is Brianna, but we call her Bri. She's amazing , now we're going out to eat with Dria & Them.

We were siting at the table laughing & talking.

??; I'm Alex I'll be your waiter for today , can I start you off with drinks ?

We all ordered & laughing until ...


Jayden; Yes sir *starts cleaning the table*

We all got quiet, I looked at her. She was still beautiful , I felt my heart beat faster. I lowered my head remember that day

Alex; Here ya go *gives them drinks* ready to order ?

Ray; Uh No Not yet

Alex; Take ya time, *walks over to Jayden*

I watched them talk, she was laughing & they were holding hands...


Alex P.O.V

Jayden is just perfect. Idgaf about her pass, yeah I know she told me. I met Craig, he's chill.

Jayden; Shouldn't you be waiting tables ? *smiling*

Alex; *chuckles* They aren't even ready yet.

Jayden; Whatever, get working I have to do register

Alex; *smirks* I'm coming over after work

Jayden; Okay Babe *kisses him & walks off*

She's just beautiful , I walked back over to the table to see this nigga with the Afro giving me looks. -.-

Alex; *mumbles* Nigga staring *clears throat* Anyways ready ?

Everyone ordered. I walked to the back & gave them the order. I walked to the register & chilled with my baby.

Jayden; You just love staring

Alex; Can't help it

Jacob; Excuse me can I get a napkin, I spilt my drink

Jayden; Here *hands him napkins*

Jacob; Thanks Jayden

Jayden; What ? *looks at him* O.O

Jacob; *smiles & walks off*

Alex; Who was that ?

Jayden; I don't even know *lying*

- Musicfo'lifee

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