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Part 26

Camila; Why ?

??; Because I know you like me

Camila; Holly, I have a girlfriend

Holly; So ? We had a thing until Sophia took you

Camila; I don't wanna talk about it *looks away*

Holly; *walks towards her* I know you miss her, but think about it no more torture for you

Camila; -.- I know

Holly grabbed Camila kissing her. Camila held her face , kissing back.

Jayden; OH helll no *snatches holly*


Jayden and Holly were fighting. The guards came in and snatched Jayden off of her.


Camila; Baby No ! 😭


The guards took Jayden out and moved her to another cell.

Holly; I'm sorry

Camila; Okay ...

Guard; Holly is your new roommate so I suggest you get along !!

Camila; I want Jayden :/

Jayden; *from down the hall* FUCK YOU CAMILA !!!

Camila; 😭

Holly; So uh, I'll take the bottom bunk

Camila; Idgaf anymore *climbs on top bed*


Jayden P.O.V

I got a new cell mate, I dont know her name. Shes just staring at me

Jayden; Please don't tell me your lesbian too -_-

??; Fuck no, I have 2 sons bitch wtf I look like sucking pussy

Jayden; Call me out my name again nigga

??; You don't scare me, noone does.

Jayden; Good then we'll get along fine -.-

??; Just stay Tf out of my way , got it ?

Jayden; Maybe i'll stay right here

??; Names Tay

Jayden; Jayden

Tay; Passed the test

Jayden; Usually I fail *laughs*

Tay; Anyways , why are you in here ?

Jayden; Fought the chick with I think it's green hair

Tay; Holly ?

Jayden; Yes

Tay; Bout time someone handled her, I was going to but I gotta stay good for my kids.

Jayden; Wait a minute , you have 2 kids ?

Tay; Yeah ?

Jayden; How old are you ?

Tay; 20

Jayden; O.o I'm 18

Tay; You have a kid ?

Jayden; he turns one today .

Tay; Nice . You play basketball ?

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