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Part 23

Camila P.O.V

Shit ...

Bri; Woah chill Prison mama

Jayden; I will stab you again

Bri; So the news I heard is true

Jayden; What news ?

Bri; You've been doing good in here, stood up to Sophia & cuffed her girl

Jayden; How do you know that ?

Bri; You act like I don't know people , Right camila ?

Camila; O.O

Bri; *smirks* I got eyes.

Jayden; *clinches fist* Leave her alone alright ?

Bri; Well I know a lot that you dont know . Like how Camila slept with Sophia the night you got there . Or how Craig & Pearl has been regretting their decision for years , Or That Camila has a huge secret

Camila; O.O

Bri; She's not on your side, she's just spying on you. She's never been to jail & she's not really serving time

Jayden; W-What ?! *looks at Camila*

Camila; I can explain, Babe please

Jayden; Don't fucking babe me ! You lied to me , thought it was gonna be different ?

Camila; I seriously didn't even think ( Gco)

Before I could even finish Jayden tackled Bri & started punching her like crazy. I tried pulling her off but she punched me, I fell holding my mouth.

Guard; *shocks jayden*

Jayden; *falls off, twitching*

Bri got up & ran out. I crawled to Jayden, she passed out. I shook her saying my name, blood was dripping from my lip but I didn't care.

Camila; B-Baby ..

I picked her up dragging her into our cell, blood dripped on the floor from my lip. Once I got her in the cell, I put her on the bed. I got up walking out, taking a shower.

I turned the shower on, letting the hot water rise the blood off. I closed my eyes thinking about everything, Jayden, Bri & my life.

Everything was a lie. I am serving time, I was spying on Jayden, but I didnt know anything. I didn't even go to Sophia that night, she raped me...

As I was thinking I heard another shower come on, I opened my eyes & saw a cell mate biting her lip at me. I felt uncomfortable to I cut the shower off , drying off.

??; Didn't mean to scare ya

Camila; Uh , you didn't *puts suit on*

??; Whatever you say mama

Camila; Mhmm .

I walked back to my cell to see Jayden, holding her head. I rubbed her back, she stood up looking at me

Jayden; Don't touch me

Camila; Jayden, Baby. None of that was true, except the spying part, but I didn't know anything. All she said is you guys were close friends & got into an argument , you didn't wanna see her. So she said keep her updated , secretly

Jayden; That doesn't make you at least a little suspicious ?

Camila; Well No, because I've never had a best friend , so I didn't know how everything worked.

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