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Part 21

One Week Later ;

Camila P.O.V

Jayden and I have grown closer. I haven't been this close to someone in forever. She was the straight up kind of girl, but she's also goofy.

I sat there watching her smile, and laugh with other cell mates. Am I catching feelings ?

Jayden; Right Camila ?

Camila; W-What ?

Jayden; *laughs* Nothing, Ima head back. You coming ?

Camila; Yeah *stands up*

We walked back, everyone was saying to her. She nodded, then ?? Passed. Jayden put her arm around me, whispering in my ear.

I started giggling, she was pretty sexual. I knew it was all an act, I can't help but feel for her.

Jayden; *lays down* Damn, I need a shower

Camila; We can go get one now,

Jayden; *chuckles* Na, wait til that bitch goes

Camila; Why do you insist on bothering her ?

Jayden; cause she was fucking with you

Camila; Shes nothing now, now that your here. Just drop it

Jayden; ight. I will

She got up walking out, I followed her. We were in the showers. As we were taking a shower ?? Walked in.

??; Wassup Cam

Camila; O.O It's Camila

I looked at Jayden, she just continued washing up, ignoring me. I was getting scared,

??; What's wrong with your girlfriend ?

Camila; Um Nothing, just tired ?

Jayden; *shakes head & chuckles* I'm out

Jayden wrapped a towel around her, I hurried & did the same thing. I grabbed her arm

Jayden; O.o what ?

Camila; Why didnt you say something !

Jayden; You wanted me to drop it

Camila; I lied, I don't. Protect me , she's big and buff

Jayden: *puts on suit* Alright

Camila; *does the same* Your the best


Jayden P.O.V

It's midnight, and I can't sleep. Got my hands behind my head, looking at the ceiling.

I miss Aj,Alex, & being loved. My heart was hurting, I wondered if Alex would change.

Camila; Jayden ?

Jayden; *breaks thoughts* Yeah ?

Camila; *stands on the bed, looking at her* Do you miss your son ?

Jayden; & his daddy... I just miss being with them ... Being loved

Camila; *mumbles* I can love you

Jayden; *sighs* I just wonder what my baby and my son would look like when I get out

Camila; I'm sure they will be healthy and happy to see you again

Jayden; You miss anyone ?

She sat quiet for a minute. The reflection from the moonlight shows she was thinking.

Camila; My father ...

Jayden; Where is he ?

Camila; As I'm hoping, heaven. He died of a heart attack too much stress. My mother left us, he didn't know what to do ....

Jayden; You can have my father

Camila; Why don't you talk about your parents much ?

Jayden; They disowned me, so I disowned them.

Camila; *sits on jaydens bed* Why ?

Jayden; I told them I was pregnant , and they were disappointed. Ever since that day they haven't talked to me

Camila; I'm sure they miss you

Jayden; I don't care, as long as I got people with me. I'm cool

Camila; Can I tell you something ?

Jayden; Anything ...

Camila sat quiet again, playing with her fingers.

Camila; The reason I turned Bi & so protective is because I was raped when I was little. Then I got my heart broken so many times.

Jayden; I only had my heart broken once I guess ...

Camila; I don't know how you will react to this, but I like you ... A lot

Jayden; I like you too

Camila; No I mean as I like you ... As in a girlfriend a lot ..

Jayden; ..... Oh .....

Camila; I mean I understand if you don't like me, you have a son and all

Jayden; Cam (Gco)

We heard screaming & yelling. We ra to the gate to see ?? & another girl fighting. The officers pulled there guns out, ?? Didn't stop. They shot her down in front of our eyes

Jayden; O.O

Camila; O.O Sophia

Jayden; Her name was Sophia

Camila; S-She's g-gone

Jayden; o.O I'm confused

Camila; When I first came, we dated. We were perfect til she started treating me like a bitch

Jayden; *hugs cam* Im so sorry babygirl

Camila; *kisses her*

Jayden; O.O

Camila; Oh my, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna go lay down *lays down*

Jayden; O.o Uhh ...


Alex P.O.V

I'm taking Alex to see his mommy today, i dressed him up in his little Adidas jump suit.

He gotta stay swagged like his daddy, we were matching

They called our number we walked in sitting down at a table. The prisoners started coming out, I looked for Jayden. No sign... Waited a few minutes & she walked out, smiling

Jayden: Baby ! *runs to him*

Alex; *picks her up* Babygirl !

Guard: No touching

Jayden; Shut up -.-

Alex; I miss you

Jayden; I miss you too, wheres my baby boy at ?

Aj; *waking up*

Jayden; Hi Aj, *picks him up* It's mommy

Aj; *yawns*

Jayden; Someone's still tired *laughs*

Alex; How have you been ?

Jayden; Missing my boys,

Alex; Good cause I missed you too

Camila; Umm Jayden ...

I looked up to see a girl, playing with her hands. Jayden looked up & smiled

Jayden; Hey Cam, What's up ?

Camila; I had someone visit me, but when I came out they were gone. Can I chill here ? I won't bother

Jayden; Go Ahead, Alex this is Camila

Alex; Hi

Jayden; Camila, This is Aj *tickles him*

Camila; He's so cute ^_^

Alex&Yn; Thanks

Alex; So babe, I was thinking when you get out, I can take you out. Ya know have a family day

Yn; Awe, baby. That's perfect !

Aj; *smiles*

Yn; Awe, he's smiling !!

Alex; I miss having you sleep with me

Yn; I miss everything baby *kisses him*

Alex; *kisses back*

Guard; No Touching !

Jayden; *flicks him off*

Alex: *laughs* I love you

Jayden: I love you too baby

Camila; Not to interrupt but, can I hold aj ?

Jayden; Of course *hands her him* Please be careful

Camila; Of course .

Alex; *grabs her hand* This is too long,

Jayden; It's okay, i'll make it through

Alex; Mom said Hi

Jayden; Tell her I said bail me out *laughs*

Alex; Have you saw anything crazy ?

Jayden; Last night a girl got shot down in from of my eyes

Alex; Did it bother you ?

Jayden; Not really ... Just surprising

Alex; Please think before a situation

Jayden; I will baby , I promise.

As we were talking , Camila started crying & handed the baby back. She walked off to the back

Alex; O.o

Jayden; I wonder what's up,

Alex; Maybe aj's cuteness got to her

Jayden; Shush

Alex; It's possible.

Jayden; Anyways , question

Alex; Yes, you can date her

Jayden; O.o what ?

Alex; Sorry, man moment. Every mans dream, threesome.

Jayden; Uhhh , okay ?

Alex; *laughs* I'm serious

Jayden; I could give it a try ?

Alex; That would be hot

Jayden; *laughs* Stop , I gotta get back.

Alex; *laughs* Alright , I love you

Jayden; I love you too baby, *looks at aj* & mommy loves you too *kisses his cheek*

Alex: *takes aj* Bye babe

Jayden; Bye

Jayden walked back, I put Aj in his car seat. Once I got in my car , I broke down again. Tears just falling , I miss my baby... I gotta stay strong for Aj & for her.

I finally quit crying & headed home.


Camila P.O.V

I walked off crying. I thought about my son, that I would of had. If it wasn't for that abusive relationship, he would be here ... Aj was so cute

Jayden walked in, looking at me

Jayden; You straight ?

Camila; oh yeah

Jayden; Got a kid ?

Camila; nope, I lost him. Abusive relationship

Jayden; You've been through a lot

Camila; I know ... Crazy ...

Jayden; You kidding me ? I grew up with a murder, got my eyes cut out at 12, raised blind, got saved, had surgery on my eyes,got tortured, now look where I'm at. Prison

Camila; at least were stick with each other here right ?

Jayden; Yeah , & last night ?

Camila; I'm sorry for kissing you it was ( Gco )

She cut me off by kissing me ?! I kissed back, smiling.

Camila; What was that for ?

Jayden; I'm not Bi or anything, but I can give it a try ?

Camila; Really ? *smiles*

Jayden; Yeah, it might be different.

Camila; I promise, it'll be worth it !

She laughed & climbed on her bed. I was happier than a kid in a candy store.

Camila; Does that mean ?

Jayden; Get up here,

I laughed climbing on her bed, we laid down, with both sheets over us. I turned towards her, smiling.

Jayden: you smile a lot huh ?

Camila; I haven't smiled this much since I burnt my ex & his girl

Jayden; *laughs* Get some rest , playing basketball tomorrow on the court yard

Camila; Okay !

I snuggled up to her, I cant believe this just happened. Please let this work

- Musicfo'lifee

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