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Part 25

3 Months Later ;

Jayden P.O.V

My baby turns one today, and I can't see him. I've been in my cell , haven't ate or anything. Just don't fell like moving

Camila; Babe ?

Jayden; What ?

Camila; I know it's his birthday & all, but he doesn't want you to be upset, think about it. Been in here for 9 months, closer to getting out

Jayden; You don't understand, Camila. *rolls eyes* Just leave me alone

Camila; You know what ? I'm tired of it, I've been trying to keep positive for your ungrateful ass ! You just push me away and ignore me. Is this what you did to Jacob ?!

I looked at her pissed. I took at depth breath, closing my eyes. I don't want to fight, I'll be able to get out early if I just keep my mouth shut.

Camila; Is that it ? Your just gonna ignore me! I'm your girlfriend, we have done nothing but fought because you want to push me away, I open up with you all the time and I can't get an easy confession out of you , I don't know one thing about you

Jayden; Blue

Camila; What ? O.o

Jayden: My favorite color, it's blue.

Camila; U-Umm , mines yellow

Jayden; *looks at her* That's cool , I guess.

Camila; I ... *walks away*

I got up following her,

Jayden; What were you gonna say ?

Camila; Nothing ...

Jayden; *grabs her arm* Tell me, now ... Please

Camila; *kisses her* I Love You 😳

Jayden; U-Uh , I love you too

Camila; Really ?

Jayden; I mean yeah, at least I feel like I do ?

Camila: So you don't then

Jayden; I don't know what love feels like

Camila; What about Alex ?

Jayden: I feel like I love him, just scares to let my guard down ...

Camila; W(Gco)

Guard; Crippen, you have a visitor

Jayden; I'll be back.

I walked out to see my baby boy & Alex, I smiled picking Aj up

Jayden; BIRTHDAY BOY !!!

Aj; *screams in excitement*

Alex: Hi Baby

Jayden; Hey , thought he was having a party ?

Alex; Doesn't start til 2 , it's only 11

Jayden; My baby boy is 1 years old, *sighs* where does the time go ?

Alex; *takes Aj* Show mommy what we have been working on

Aj; Mmmmmmmmma mma

Jayden; :O HE SAID MA MA !!

Alex; Good right ?

Jayden; Say Da Da

Aj; Dddddaa ddda

Alex: *smiles*

Jayden; Oh my god, Alex !!

Alex; Watch this

Alex put Aj down & Aj crawled towards Jayden

Jayden; Of course he can crawl *laughs*

Alex picked Aj up so he could stand, Alex grabbed his hand & Aj walked a little

Jayden; Daddys teaching you how to walk already ?!

Alex; Good to learn early right ?

Am; Hey, can I take Alex now ?

Jayden; hi mrs carter

Alex; Yes, *gives her aj* And make sure dad checks him

Am; I will

Jayden; Happy Birthday Baby Boy , I love You !!

Aj; *waves* Mmmma Mmaa !

Alexs mom leaves with Aj.

Jayden; *tears up*

Alex: *sits next to her* What's wrong baby

Jayden; My baby's one now , he's growing up.

Alex; You'll be out soon *intwines their hands*

Jayden; *sighs* I know I just miss you guys so much .

Alex; We love you from the moon and back *laughs* I always say that to Aj

Jayden; *smiles* I love you guys too

Alex; Can I have a kiss ?

Jayden; of course *kisses him*

Alex; *kisses back* You don't know how frustrated I am

Jayden; *laughs* I'll make it up to you

Alex; Promise ?

Jayden; Of course *leans on his shoulder*


Camila P.O.V

I walked out to see Jayden & Alex cuddled up in the visitors room. She looked at him, smiling & staring into his eyes. They even kissed a few times, I felt upset I wanted Jayden to be like that with me. I'm actually Jealous,

Jayden; Cam ?

I looked at them, looking at me. I played it off

Camila; I was hoping to see the birthday boy

Alex; Sorry, my mom took him to the doctors.

Camila; It's okay , I'll just head back

Jayden; Sit out here with us *pats next to her*.

I walked over sitting next to her, she grabbed my hand smiling. I smiled to myself thinking about our hands.

Alex; So do you guys kiss and stuff or ?

Jayden; *laughs* Of course we do

Alex; Can I see ?

Jayden; -________-

I blushed, jayden smiled. I kissed her, pulling her close to me.

Alex; O.O

Jayden; *breaks kiss* Told ya

I put my arms around her waist, I started laughing & whispered in Jaydens ear

Jayden; *looks down* Oh *starts laughing*

Alex; Huh ? *looks down* Holy Shit ! *covers himself*

We started laughing, Alex started blushing.

Alex; Not funny, you get some and I dont.

Jayden; Want some ?

Alex; O.O Right here ?

She whispered in his ear & he bit his lip.

Jayden; Head back, I'll be there in a minute.

I walked back to the cell to see the same cell mate that I saw in the shower

Camila; What are you doing here ?

??; Came to see you

Camila; ......

- Musicfo'lifee

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